In Ruins

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Another cutie!

The siren started ringing as Izzy and Katherine made their way down the stairs in a hurry. The two took a turn and Katherine sighed in relief when her eyes landed on Alec who upon seeing her, visibly relaxed.



The couple ran towards each other and Katherine wrapped her arms around him while Alec's went to her waist, pulling her closer until their lips met in a sweet and relived kiss. ''Oh thank the angel you are safe.'' he caressed her cheek and she leaned into the touch. 

''Good to see you too, Kate.'' Katherine's eyes landed on Aline who smiled teasingly at her and she smiled back at her before she looked at the blonde woman besides her ''On my way back to Jia's office I ran into Aline and her....''

''Helen.'' the blonde introduced herself and looked between Katherine and Izzy ''Nice to met you, Helen.'' the Herondale smiled at her and Izzy nodded at Helen with a smile of her own . ''Likewise.'' Helen said with a smile '' Although I wish the circumstances were different.''

Katherine nodded in urgency ''I wish that too.''

''What's the plan?'' Izzy asked. ''We're notifying all able-bodied citizens to take combat positions and prepare for battle.'' Aline explained and the Herondale frowned in thought ''What about those who can't?'' ''They need to be ushered down into the demon shelters.'' Helen replied.

''Well the good thing was that you two were together when Alec found you.'' Izzy pointed out.

Katherine bit her lip in amusement and shared a look with Alec as Aline and Helen stuttered for words ''We were..just doing..''  ''Research.''

''Right..'' the Herondale nodded and kept back her laughter that wanted to come out. A sudden explosion made her gasp and Alec grabbed her hand as they all ran towards the balcony of the building where the sight made Katherine's throat dry.

Demons and chaos. There were demons everywhere,  their numbers increasing as they  continued to appear from a rift in the night sky and throwing fire balls out of their mouths while all the shadowhunters could do was to watch with wide eyes as the demons continued to destroy their city, their home.

Katherine shared a dreaded look with Alec who tightened his hold  on her hand as they walked out of the balcony.

''The city will never get cleared in time.'' Aline said as the group walked down the hallway with a sense of urgency. ''Why aren't the canons firing?'' Katherine asked in confusion ''It's gonna take a minute to get them up and running.'' Aline replied back as they turned around a corner.

''We'll go help.'' she turned around to look at the three ''We'll meet you back here, alive.'' and with that, Aline and Helen left in one direction while the rest three moved out of the building in the other direction.

Katherine ran down the steps that were outside of the building with Alec and Izzy behind her. She was terrified as she looked at the demons that were flying freely across the night sky, their numbers never ending while shadowhunters ran on ground, screaming in fear.

''Kate!'' Alec's eyes widened in fear and he  grabbed her by her waist and pulled her behind him as a demon threw a fireball that would fried Katherine  had Alec not pulled her away. ''Oh my god..'' she breathed out and looked at Alec and saw fear, fear not for himself, for her, for what could have happened seconds ago and that kind of fear only existed in true love.

''You okay?'' Alec looked at her, his breathing uneven and Katherine caressed his cheek and even in chaos, he leaned in her touch '' I am fine, okay? I am still here.'' she assured him.

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