Candice King as Celine Herondale
''Blend in, keep your weapons ready.'' Jace looked at the three before he walked away with Clary towards an asian man whom Katherine recognized as Magnus Bane and again felt as if she knew him from somewhere but couldn't t remember.
Izzy grabbed her hand, ''Come dance with me.'' Katherine chuckled at her ,''Nope, not gonna happen, you know I don't like dancing.'' Izzy looked like she was going to argue but her eyes went to Alec and back to her before she smiled, ''Fine, enjoy then.'' she winked and danced her way into the crowd. Katherine frowned and looked at Alec, ''What's up with her?'' he shrugged his shoulders ''Who knows.'' he then gave her a smile that made Katherine weak in the knees, ''What I do wanna know is why aren't you dancing?'' ''I don't like it.''
Katherine smirked up at Alec, ''And if I went dancing , who would you talk to? Mr-I-am-too-grumpy?'' he raised his eyebrows at her ''I am not grumpy.'' and Katherine snorted ''Uh-uh.'' but before Alec could reply back , she saw out of the corner of her eye, a man approach Magnus from behind and as quick as lighting, Katherine took the dagger out of the scabbard and threw it towards the man, landing in the center of his chest, Alec's arrow hit the man in the chest too, just seconds after her dagger did.
''Mine was first.''
They both made their way to where Magnus, Clary and Jace where and Alec went to check the man's pulse while Katherine looked between Clary and Jace, ''You two okay?'' they nodded their heads.
''Who are you?'' Magnus was looking at Alec with some kind of hunger in his eyes and for reasons not known to Katherine, a sudden burning desire to snap the warlock's neck filled her and she scoffed, turning Magnus's attention to her, his eyes widened ''Katerina Dale'' and weirdly enough, Katherine knew he was referring to her, ''I am not going to ask have we met, because you obviously know me.'' Magnus chuckled at her ''Glad to see the sarcasm still runs in the blood.'' he looked at Clary ''I warned your mother this might happen.''
And before Katherine could say anything else or the rest of her friends could pull her back, Magnus grabbed her hand and pulled her through the portal he had made.
Alec tried to ran after her but the portal closed, ''Damn it.'' he growled in frustration. As soon as the warlock had taken Katherine, Alec felt as if Magnus took his heart along with him, he was worried for her, more worried than the rest. His eyes locked with Jace's ''We'll find her Alec, we aren't letting her go.''
''Why in the name of the angels did you pull me through the portal?'' Katherine glared at Magnus , she had been glaring at him the moment they landed in his lair. Magnus chuckled and looked at her with fondness in his eyes as other warlocks went about their own day , ''You haven't changer much, have you Katherine? Well the hair and the eye color has, curtesy of mine. But if someone looks close enough....not even then, I think will they be able to see the real you.''
Katherine frowned at him and lowered her seraph blade, ''The real me?'' Magnus sighed sadly, ''You aren't Jocelyn Fairchild's daughter.'' Katherine rolled her eyes, it was as if every time someone mentioned Jocelyn's name, that was her instinct reaction, ''I know that.'' the warlock seemed surprised, ''Well what you don't know is that your hair and the color of your eyes isn't the real one.'' If Katherine was being honest, then she wasn't really surprised at the information but curious.
''What do you me-'' she was interrupted as the building shook and objects fell to the ground.Katherine looked at Magnus, ''What is happening?'' his eyes were widened and he looked at her before looking at other warlocks, ''He found us.Valentine found us.''

The Warrior(Alec Lightwood)
FanfictionShadowhunters -season 1-season2-season3 Katherine Fairchild had run away from her home when she was eleven and had been taken in by the Lightwoods. She has trained with the Lightwood siblings and Jace Wayland. However, nine years later, people from...