Day of Wrath

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''How'd it go with Aldertree?'' Alec asked Magnus, his hand interlaced with Katherine's as they walked in the Institute with Magnus.

''Well the man didn't disappoint.In his own charming inimitable way he informed me that I will indeed be punished but the form of punishment is yet to be decided.'' the three stopped near the enterance ''All for trying to save my life.'' Alec looked between him and Katherine.

''Jace may have been the one who pulled me out but I felt you...'' he squeezed Katherine's hand and looked at Magnus ''-and you there.And it did make a thank you.'' she squeezed his hand back and Alec gently ran his thumb on her knuckles. The message, I love you was clear to her.

''I would have no idea what would have happened to my daughter if you had died. So thank you,  for saving Katherine that pain and for not dying on me.'' Magnus smiled at him ''How's Jace?''

''He won't be gone long.'' Alec assured and as much Katherine wanted to believe those words, she knew that Jace like her questioned the ways of the Clave much more than Alec did.She just hoped that Aldertree asked the right kind of questions.

''Once his hand touches the Soul Sword, the truth will come out...and prove that he's never been on Valentine's side.''

Katherine inhaled sharply, something that both men noticed and Alec knew what she was thinking.He squeezed her hand and Katherine took comfort in it.

''Hey Kate,Alec.''

The three turned around to see Raj standing ...and he looked fine...given the circumstances Katherine had last seen him in. ''Demon briefing in the Ops Center.All hands on deck.'' Katherine shared a look with Magnus who had a glint in his eyes ''My dear Raj...You look well.'' 

She  snorted and then covered it with a cough as she saw the look on Raj's face before he walked away. Alec gave her a playful narrowed eye look while Magnus simply threw a wink at her as he exited the Institute.

''You know, we never got to talk about what happened in the training room.''

Katherine pecked his lips and was about to walk away but Alec quickly pulled her closer ''I am not about to let history repeat itself.'' he connected his lips to her's and both lost themselves in the love they shared.


''This is bad.''

''You are telling me.''

Katherine along with Alec and Izzy approached Jocelyn and Clary who looked like they were in middle of a conversation ''Hate to interrupt, but something's up.'' Katherine looked between the two as Izzy explained ''Demon attack downtown.One mundane dead.''

Alec stepped closer to Katherine ''And we don't have Jace so...You're with us.'' ''Wait.You want me on your team?'' surprise was clear on Clary's face ''It's not my first choice.'' that received  him a light nudge in the ribs from Katherine and he gave her a playful smirk before looking back at Clary ''But we are a man down and everyone else is on patrol.Gear up.''

Katherine was about to follow the siblings when a hand latched on her wrist, she turned around to look at Jocelyn ''Go on, I'll come with Clary.'' she nodded to Alec and Izzy. The older Lightwood didn't move, his eyes on her's and she sighed ''Alec, go.I'll be fine.'' Alec kissed her forehead before following after his sister.

''I am going to Idris.'' Katherine blinked in shock and looked at Clary who nodded her head in confirmation ''The Clave wants to test her loyalty.''

''The Clave can -''

''Kate.'' she looked at Jocelyn who smiled softly at her ''I know that I haven't been there for you in years, but I would like to now.Come with me to Idris, I told the same thing to your sister, I could after getting permission from Imogen show you around the Herondale Manor.''

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