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Ian Somerhalder as the ancestor:)

''The Clave is very impressed with your progress.'' Alec praised Max as Katherine stood next to him in his office and looked at the younger boy with a soft smile ''They think that you are ready for your first mission, what do you think, bud?'' she ruffled his hair teasingly.

Alec chuckled at that as Max playfully narrowed his eyes at her ''I've been ready since the day I got here.'' 

''Well then, you better get your butt over to training.You know how much our sister hates tardiness.'' the oldest Lightwood's arm went around Katherine's waist as Max walked out of the room while Clary and Jace entered it with the younger twin patting Max's back as he leaved the room.

''Any signs of Jonathan?'' Alec looked between the two and Jace shook his head ''No, we tracked the box itself.But it...was a dead end.''

Katherine's eyes went behind her twin to Max who was standing in the doorway and listening in on their conversation, she gave him a look as the rest followed her gaze and the youngest Lightwood who rolled his eyes annoyingly before walking off.

''What?'' she frowned in confusion and  Alec looked at her  before looking between Jace and Clary ''So Valentine sent Duncan to steal a pair of baby booties?'' ''Someone did.Someone who wanted to circumvent us from tracking Jonathan.'' Jace explained and Katherine nodded her head ''Could be.''

''And now we have no lead on either on them.We've got nothing.'' Clary stated what Katherine knew she thought was the whole truth but her eyes locked with Alec's and she tilted her head, telling him to tell the two what. they had found out yesterday.

''Actually, we have less than nothing.'' he said  in defeat and Jace and Clary gave them confused looks causing Katherine to tsk ''Uh, there's something you should know......'' she and Alec looked between the two who waited for them to say what they had to.

''The Clave doesn't have the Soul Sword....they never did.'' he breathed out while Katherine shifted her weight from foot to foot. ''So the Clave has been lying this whole time?'' a shocked expression covered Clary's face while Jace didn't look shocked or surprised at all ''Wouldn't be the first time.''

Katherine snorted at in agreement while internally guilt at lying to Magnus tightened it's grip on her.

''The Clave is trying to prevent an uprising.If the downworld finds out that we don't have the soul sword..there would be total chaos.'' Alec explained as his eyes softened on the older twin, knowing that she'll have to keep it a secret from her father figure. ''But the soul sword's been deactivated. It can't be used on downworlders.'' Clary looked between the three in confusion.

''Not in the way Valentine used it before, Clare..'' Katherine frowned as she realized what Alec already had ''But it is still a mortal instrument.'' Jace's eyes widened as he understood the truth of the situation his sister and parabatai were talking about.

''If you combine it with the other two Mortal Instruments..the cup and the mirror, he could use it to raise the Angel Raziel.'' he explained to the Fairchild who according to Katherine had an awestruck and shocked look ''I though that was just a legend.'' the older girl gave her a tight lipped smile ''Don't we know better?''

''The legends are true.'' Alec said with his arm still around Katherine's waist  ''The Angel will grant him one wish....anything he wants.''

''The end of the downworlder as we know it.''

The older Herondale twin nodded her head and gulped in dread ''Sounds about right.''


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