Hail and Farewell

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Alec's blood ran cold for the millionth time as he remembered what Clary'd said Jonathan said something about wanting me...and you. He wanted Kate and Alec knew  what the older Morgenstern meant by that but he wasn't going to let Jonathan take or harm Katherine, not again.

He jumped as someone knocked on his door and relaxed when he saw Katherine entering his office room. Her eyebrows rose as she took in his initial reaction ''Thought I was Jonathan for a second, didn't you?'' she smiled and walked further in the room. Alec chuckled before getting up and wrapping his arm around her waist.

And he pulled her closer to himself until their lips met, relishing the taste of her, of everything about her. Katherine connected their foreheads as Alec caressed her cheek ''Penny for your thoughts?'' he sighed and pulled her even closer ''Nothing, just having you here, right now and with me...''

''Jonathan isn't going to get me, Alec.'' Katherine assured him and placed her hand on top of his that was still on her cheek  before he kissed each of her finger ''I know, I wouldn't let him.''

Clary and Jace had returned from searching from Jonathan at the apartment that Izzy had told them about and had told the two about the real Sebastian Verlac being dead for days, what had made Katherine want to stab Valentine herself was when they had said that he had used the body of the real Verlac as a host for another of his demon creations.

''Have you notified the Verlac family yet?'' were her and Jace's grandmother's first words when Alec had put her on a video call and had explained everything that had happened. ''The Penhallow daughter Aline will deliver the message in person.Madame Inquistor.'' Alec replied back as he sat on his chair while the rest three stood behind him.

''Defying the body of a fallen soldier and turning it into a booby trap is sadly par for the course for Valentine, isn't it?'' a defeat expression that was on all of their faces covered Imogen's face as well ''The possessing demon wouldn't have done this on its own..the trap could  only have been set using the Mortal Cup to command it.'' the oldest Lightwood further explained.

''So he had it all along.''

 Katherine clicked her tongue and sighed ''From what our intel show...he's also in possession of the Mortal Sword.'' she crossed her arms while looking at her grandmother ''Do either of you have any good news for me?''

The couple shared a look at that ''There is actually.'' she smiled at Clary while Alec continued ''Valentine and Jonathan believe that the New York institute is in possession of the Mortal Mirror, they won't leave without it.''

A relived expression reflected across the oldest Herondale's face ''Thank the angel that at least he wasn't able to find that.'' she leaned back in her chair. ''We were.....Clary.'' Alec looked at the younger girl ''My connection with the angel led us to it..it's in Idris, the mirror is Lake Lyn.''

Katherine saw shock Imogen's face before realization came over ''That's the very same water that Raziel first rose from..who else nows about this?'' she asked and Katherine leaned a bit on Alec's chair ''Not many do.'' Jace nodded his head ''As she said, unfortunately the number of people we can trust is getting smaller by the day..we though it best to tell you first.''

Imogen looked shock, not that Katherine could blame her grandmother for having that expression on her face ''We would also like to officially request soldiers from the Guard to be placed in the woods that surround the lake.'' ''It may only be a matter of time before Valentine realizes he's been had.'' Jace added .

''I'll speak to Consul Malachi about deployment at once..good hunting.''

Alec pressed the end button and Katherine sighed with mixed emotions ''So what do we do now?'' Jace asked what both of them were thinking.

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