Katherine should have gone with Jace to get Clary to the Institute, she knew it the moment she entered the Institute with Alec and Izzy by her side.They tried to talk to her, but cut them off by telling them that she was going to the training room.
Since the moment she ran away ,Katherine had stopped herself of thinking of her sister and mother ,every time her mind went back to them ,she had to pull herself out of it, she used to tell herself that they won't be able to find her and that they would be safe.That was the reason why Katherine had ran away, so that her mother and sister could be safe from the circle members that were following her around.She never thought that she would see either ever again in her life, and had convinced herself that she was fine with that, as long as they both were safe.
These thoughts were running through Katherine's mind as she repeatedly punched the punching bag.She heard someone enter the training room but didn't around to look who it was and kept punching. Somehow, the punching helped Katherine take out the guilt that she was feeling. ''Kate.'' Alec said from behind her but she didn't stop punching. ''Kate, stop.'' he said again and before she could throw another punch , his hand gripped her elbow and turned her around so that she faced him. ''What?'' Katherine snapped , a look of hurt passed Alec's eyes and she sighed ''I am sorry ,shouldn't have snapped at you.'' ''It's fine, though couldn't you have worn gloves before you started punching ?'' he asked and she looked at her hands to she her knuckles red and bloodied ''I didn't even realize.'' she frowned at her hands and tried to overlook the fact that Alec was holding then in his own hands and the warmth that flowed through his hands into hers. ''Of course you didn't.'' he said and drew an iratze on her left forearm, and they both watched as her knuckles healed. ''I can't face her.'' Katherine poured out her thoughts to Alec ''Who?Your sister?'' he asked and she nodded her head ''Yeah.I am mean what she doesn't even wanna talk to me?Or doesn't want to look at me or be in the same room as me?I mean I would totally understand if Clary does all three of them, after all I-'' ''Hey, hey look at me.Look at me.'' Alec held her face in his hands which made her to stop talking as she noticed how close their faces were ''She is your sister ,okay? She will understand that what you did was to protect her and your mother.'' ''What if she doesn't?'' she whispered ''She will.'' he let out a breath and Katherine felt its warmth on her face. Alec's eyes widened as he too noticed the lack of space between their faces, if either of them moved, their lips would brush past each other's.
Katherine couldn't remove her eyes from Alec's hazel eyes, she felt as if she was drowning in them but at the same time felt like she was floating . Her face was all all warm and she was finding it difficult to breathe ,her heart felt as if it would come out of her chest and she wondered if his was beating just as fast. It was, the way those blue green eyes started into his eyes shot a feeling through Alec that made him warm from the inside, he could never really tell the exact color of them, somedays they were more green than blue and somedays they were bright blue. She had gripped both of his forearms with her hands and goosebumps shot through out his whole body. ''Why does it look like I am watching something that I shouldn't ?'' Jace's voice made them both jump away from each other and look at Jace who was standing at the entrance of the training room with his eyebrows raised and an amused look on his face, Alec was bright red in the face but Katherine calmed herself down ''What are you doing here?'' she asked Jace . ''We are going to meet your sister.'' he said and dragged them both out of the training room and towards the infirmary by their wrists not before Katherine saw his smirk ''Wipe that smirk off your face,Wayland.'' ''What smirk?'' he said and looked at Alec who was still hot in the face. Jace got his answer when Katherine smacked him in the head.
As they approached the infirmary,Katherine heard Izzy and Clary talking to each other and suddenly became very nervous ''I don't wanna go.'' she said and tried to pull out of Jace's grip but he tightened his grip ''Kate, you will be fine.'' he said but that didn't ease her nerves and with his free hand,Alec squeezed her other hand in assurance and Jace sent some calm waves through their bond. ''A mundane shouldn't even be here.'' Alec said as they entered the infirmary and Clary's eyes locked on Kate as she asked ''Where is here, exactly ?'' ''She is not a mundane,Alec.'' Jace said as Katherine stood behind Izzy who was sitting near Clary ''How do you know that?'' he asked Jace ''Because the seraph blade lit up when she touched it, ask Kate, she saw it too.'' Jace said ''That and because she is my sister, and I am a shadowhunter and so is she.'' Katherine said looking at Alec and Jace nodded his head at her ''Look Isabelle can you-'' he said and Izzy got up from where she was sitting and went to stand near Alec as Jace sat were she was formerly sitting. Katherine frowned ''What are you trying to do,Wayland?'' Clary again looked at her ''Wait, you know these people?'' she asked her and then shook her head ''You know what? That shouldn't even be my first question.''. ''You have issues.'' Jace said and with his free hand pulled Katherine by the arm so that she stood besides him rather than behind him ''That you need to sort out.But first ,I am Jace Wayland.'' he introduced himself to Clary ''I am-'' ''Clary Fray.We know who you are.'' Jace said and looked at Katherine who shrugged her shoulders.
''Am I the only one who finds this unusual?'' Alec asked ''There is nothing unusual in this, Al.'' Katherine said the same time Jace said ''You find everything unusual,Alec.'' and then they both looked at each other ''It's this weird bond thing.'' Izzy told Clary who looked confused ''I have to report this to the Clave.'' Alec said ''You know what?Dial it down a notch.'' Jace said and Katherine snorted ''Oh come on,Jace.Don't you know it? He can't.'' she gave a smile to Alec who returned it and Izzy nodded her head ''My brother doesn't have a dial. I love you Alec but you have a switch that's always on.'' ''I love you too.'' Alec said and gave Izzy a smile ''But this-'' ''Oh come on.'' Katherine sighed ''Hey, you know what? Give me a minute.Here's a word you never hear me say.Please?'' Jace said and motioned for Alec to leave the room ''What is with you? Really ,no what is with him?'' Alec asked and Izzy linked her arm with his ''Walk with me big brother.'' she said and Alec looked at Katherine '' I will be fine Alec.'' she gave him a smile before the Lightwoods walked out of the infirmary.
''Your wound ,its healed.'' Katherine said as Clary looked at it ''How's that even possible? And no wait.'' Clary said and got out of the bed before pointing a finger in Katherine's face ''You were dead.'' she said and Katherine blinked as Jace let out a whistle ''Guess mom didn't tell you anything. Why am I suprised.'' Katherine sighed ''Hey no you don't get to blame this all on mom.'' Clary spat at her with anger in her voice which made Katherine flinch and Jace got up to intervene but she shook her head at him and he didn't say anything but stood up and crossed his arms over his chest. ''You ran away, without any note or saying goodbye.You left. We thought you died, I mourned you ,mom mourned you.'' she said and Katherine laughed at the last part ''Mom mourned me? Like hell she did .'' she shouted back ''She knew about why I ran away, she knew about all of this.'' Katherine spat at Clary ''Why did you ran away?'' ''She ran away because some men were following her around.It happened when she was ten . She ran away because she was protecting you and your mom,Clary.'' Jace spoke for Katherine ''What?'' Clary said with tears in her eyes ''And mom didn't tell you any of this.Everyday for over a year, I thought that she would looking for me, but she didn't, she didn't give a damn about where was I and you tell me that she mourned me?' '' she shouted the last part and Clary looked at her with tears, but Katherine didn't have any tears in her eyes. She was a shadowhunter, they were taught to control their emotions ''I...I thought.'' ''Never mind what you thought Clary.'' she said and Clary threw her arms around the older girl ''I am so sorry,Kate.I am so sorry.'' ''It's not your fault,Clare.'' Katherine said and found comfort in her sister's hug.
So, I just wanted to say that I love Malec and am a big fan of it. But for this story, Alec will be straight .
No hate to anyone out there!

The Warrior(Alec Lightwood)
FanfictionShadowhunters -season 1-season2-season3 Katherine Fairchild had run away from her home when she was eleven and had been taken in by the Lightwoods. She has trained with the Lightwood siblings and Jace Wayland. However, nine years later, people from...