The sunlight hit Alec's face and he blinked before opening his eyes only to have his breathed knocked out by the person sleeping next to him.
Pale blond strands of hair covered her sleeping face and Alec gently moved them away from Katherine's face, he again for the millionth time wondered how he could have been so lucky so as to have her in his life. Katherine frowned and mumbled something before snuggling further in his side.
Alec found that adorable, he always found everything about her adorable and beautiful. And as he continued to gaze lovingly at Katherine, his heart broke for her as he remembered the amount of pain and suffering she had been through her whole life. He pressed his lips to her forehead, a promise that he'll love her as long as he'd live and even after that.
Katherine snored in a cute way something he noticed a long time ago, she'd inhale sharply through her nose before letting out that air through her mouth softly and the noise that followed made him smile softly.
She sighed and narrowed her eyes before opening them and the blue eyes latched on to warm hazel ones. Alec kissed the top of her nose as Katherine smiled at him ''How long have you been up?'' ''Hmm.'' he pulled her closer into him ''Not long enough...been thinking about something.''
She frowned softly ''It's about Luke, isn't ?'' he nodded his head and sighed. Katherine placed her head on his chest as he played with her hair ''Have you decided what you're gonna tell the Clave?''
Alec sighed and wrapped a blond strand of hair gently around his finger, making a ring out of it ''I am torn, if I don't tell the Clave about Luke's attempt on Valentine's life... I am in violation if they find out, I could be de-runed.'' he told her his dilemma.
''Well.'' Katherine raised herself up on her elbow ''Whatever decision you make, I'll stand by you.''
''I've requested that we move Valentine to the Guard in Idris.The Clave has approved the transfer.'' Alec said as Izzy and Jace approached the table where he, Katherine and Sebastian were standing.
''You told them about the assassination attempt?'' Jace crossed his arms and Katherine bit on her lip, already knowing the answer ''No, I explained to them that moving Valentine out of the city is the best way to restore relations with the downworld. I left Luke out of it.''
''It is the right decision.''
Katherine nodded her head at the comment from Sebastian as Alec continued to talk ''But we have not given up on finding who orchestrated the hit on Valentine.'' ''I actually have a few leads on that, I'll get a report in by the end of day.'' the second blonde male looked around at the group before walking off.
''Great. Izzy you'll be leading the transfer mission. Jace and Kate , you two will assist.'' Izzy looked between the twins who both nodded their heads ''We need to remove Valentine's circle rune. The new wards in Idris won't let him with it on. Do you two want the honors?''
Katherine shared a smirk with Jace ''Thought you'd never ask, Iz.'' Izzy chuckled at her and held out her hand for the older girl who after Alec kissed her quickly took it and the two walked off, leaving the parabatais alone.
Alec's eyes stayed on Katherine's retreating figure until he could no longer see her before looking back at Jace who smirked at him ''Can't keep your eyes off of my sister, can you?'' he rolled his eyes at the younger boy but smiled cheekily ''You know I can't.''
The twins stood in the cells that held Valentine with a group of guards standing in the cell with them
''Is this tight enough?'' Katherine hissed through her teeth as she tightened the shackles that were binding Valentine to his chair ''That's better.'' Jace clenched his jaw, his eyes narrowed in the same fury that his twin was feeling and he pulled out the instrument that would remove Valentine's circle rune.

The Warrior(Alec Lightwood)
FanfictionShadowhunters -season 1-season2-season3 Katherine Fairchild had run away from her home when she was eleven and had been taken in by the Lightwoods. She has trained with the Lightwood siblings and Jace Wayland. However, nine years later, people from...