Family time

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Because I am such a big fan of his.

''Why would a client come to you for a potion to make someone fall out of love?'' Katherine asked Magnus on the phone as she looked out of the window of her room in confusion. ''She had her reasons, and they were good ones.About a solider obsessing over her.'' ''Hmm.Well that does make sense actually.''

''Yep, I gotta go, I am running late for a house call.'See you later.''

''Okay.'' Katherine got up from her bed and moved towards the door after she placed her phone back in her pocket but her door flew open of it's own and Izzy stepped inside, hangers with dresses adorned both her arms  ''Whoa.'' she took some of the hangers out of her arms and placed it on her bed.

''Are you opening a shop that I don't know about?'' Katherine asked Izzy as she looked at the variety of dress that lay on her bed. The younger girl sighed ''These are all Clary's dresses, I asked her whether I could borrow something to wear.''

The Herondale raised her eyebrows ''Wear for what?'' Izzy looked at her, ''I am going on a date.'' Katherine smiled and chuckled in happiness ''You're going on a date with that mundane, aren't you?'' she guessed and her smile increased when Izzy nodded.

''Why do you look so ....not happy?'' Katherine asked when she saw the lack of emotions on Izzy's face ''I am only going out to get him to stop asking me.'' she said, but the older girl's smile was contagious and a smile made it's way onto her face as well.

''You're going out, have fun, that's all that matters.'' Katherine squeezed Izzy's hand before her eyes went to the dresses ''You need help in choosing one or are you gonna wear all of them?''

Izzy chuckled ''Just one.'' ''Okay then.'' the older girl looked at the dresses before her eyes landed on a dark orange one which was till the knees along with being off shoulder ''Here.'' she picked it up and handed it to Izzy ''It suits you.''

The younger girl smiled and pulled her in for a hug ''Thanks and I can't wait to officially have you as my sister-in-law.'' Katherine blushed and Izzy chuckled as she picked the rest of the dresses before leaving the room.


''You don't wear that ring anymore do you?'' Alec asked as he and Katherine stood in her room and she pulled the rose-gold Herondale ring out from the box she'd kept it in.

''No.'' she rubbed one of the herons on it, her mind suddenly thinking of Will for reasons she didn't understand   ''It always felt so heavy.'' 

''And rightly so..'' the couple gasped and turned around to be face to face with William Herondale. ''What are you doing here, another message from the angels?'' Katherine asked as Alec stepped closer to her, his arm automatically going around her waist. 

Will's eyes narrowed as he looked at the diamond ring in the ring finger of her left hand and sighed dramatically ''Great, another Herondale lost to the Lightwoods.''


''I'm joking, except not really.''

Alec looked at Katherine, a playful gleam in his eyes ''Now I understand what people mean when they say you are so much like him.'' Katherine raised her hand to hit him playfully on his shoulder but Alec caught in his hands and pressed a kiss to it.

''Okay..we have more pressing matters and no, the angels didn't sent me, not this time.'' Will looked between the two and they frowned at him in confusion ''Then what? You came here to take a walk?'' the Herondale girl placed her hands on her hip.

Will winked at her ''I like the sarcasm..but to answer your summoned me, Katherine.'' she blinked at him in confusion ''I-I summoned you?'' ''Yep.'' the older Herondale took  a step forward and pointed at the rose-gold ring ''Look down at it.''

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