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Katherine caressed Alec's cheek while he lay unmoving, her own face void of any emotions except the dried tears on her face as Magnus used his magic to try and bring back Alec.

Izzy had one hand on Katherine's arm while the other was on her brother's hand, she was worried for both of them ''It's not working.'' she looked at Magnus who sighed ''I am sorry Isabelle. Parabatai bonds are like a tether that binds two souls.Jace and Alec share emotions, instincts, strength.It's an angelic bond, my magic can only do so much.''

Katherine was listening to the two's conversation but was too drained emotionally to say anything herself, which worried both Magnus and Izzy ''So Jace is like this too?'' worry for her other brother settled in the younger girl, she felt as if she was losing everyone she considered family.

''Not necessarily.''

Katherine, her hand still on Alec's cheek looked up at Magnus ''It appears that when Alec called out to him a part of his soul never returned.'' he rolled his sleeves up ''Now he's stuck, lost somewhere between himself and his parabatai.'' 

''But if Jace brought back that missing piece of his soul.....'' hope filled Izzy voice and Katherine again looked down at Alec, not wanting to bare herself to more pain when it hadn't even gone yet.

Magnus's eyes were filled with worry for Katherine, he was worried that if Alec didn't wake up his daughter would lose a part of herself and losing the love of her life would take an effect on her that he wouldn't want to see.

''We may very well have the cure.'' a flicker of hope lit inside Katherine at those words ''Whatever we do, we need to do it quickly.'' Izzy looked at her, her heart aching for both the shadowhunters. She squeezed Katherine's arm gently before walking out of the room .

''Stay with Alec, I'll go find Jace.''

''Kate.'' Magnus rubbed her back gently ''We are going to wake him up.'' She looked at him, fresh tears falling down her cheeks ''What if we can't?'' he wiped them away ''Now, don't say that, sunlight.Hope is not lost yet.''

Magnus gave her a soft look and Katherine buried her head in his chest, her tears make his clothes wet but he didn't care about that ''It's okay, we are going to bring Alec back.''

The father-daughter heard a knock on the door ''Isabelle? Clary's back.'' Katherine stiffened, not at the name, she was glad Clary was back...she stiffened at the voice, at Jocelyn's voice.

And suddenly found hating her for many things. Magnus gently pulled away from her ''Let me deal with Jocelyn.'' Katherine nodded her head and pulled Alec's sweat damped hair away from his pale face. That reminded Magnus when she was attacked by a demon and Alec had stayed by her side.

Never had he seen such love in all of his lifetime.

Magnus stood up and opened the door, Katherine barely gave the woman a second glance, worried that she might throw a dagger at Jocelyn.

Guilt rushed through Jocelyn as she saw Katherine's lost look, she never wanted to hurt her elder daughter like this, not in a million dreams.

''Oh great, Clary's safe.We can all go home now.'' Katherine cracked a small smile at Magnus's sass as he tried to close the door in Jocelyn's face but she stopped it ''Whoa.Wait.Magnus. How's Alec? Is he gonna be okay?'' 

Magnus looked back at Katherine who was running her hand through Alec's hair before he stepped out to talk with Jocelyn, closing the door behind him. Katherine looked down at Alec's pale and weak face and sighed ''You're gonna be okay, I can't lose you....I won't.'' she kissed his cheek

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