Someone New

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Katherine opened her eyes and looked up at Alec who was still sleeping, his arm around her waist.She sighed and took in his features, noticing how the tension was gone from his muscles as he slept.(both were wearing their clothes)

She slightly pushed back his hair that was entering his eyes even though they were closed and kissed his forehead, bringing a smile to Alec's lips in his sleep and tired to get out of his grip without waking him up.Which didn't work because he  frowned slightly  and mumbled before he pulled Katherine closer to himself.

Alec opened his eyes that locked onto warm blue ones staring back at him and smile sleepily at her ''Morning.'' Katherine chuckled ''Good morning to you too, Mr Lightwood.'' he nuzzled her cheek ''Makes me sound old...''

She raised her eyebrows at him ''Are you saying you are not old?'' and before Alec could answer back, Katherine had slipped underneath from his arm and jumped out of the bed. ''What-'' he sat up on his bed and she winked at him. ''I'll say the other way around.''

A challenging gleam entered Alec's eyes and he threw the sheets off of him and lunged for Katherine who ducked and ran out of his room, her laughter floated throughout the entire Institute as Alec chased after her.

She stopped running once Katherine saw Jace standing besides a table with a tablet in his hand and warm arms wrapped themselves around her waist ''Gotcha.'' Alec kissed her cheek as Jace's eyes fell on the two. ''Morning, lovebirds.''

''Morning ,Jace.'' Katherine walked towards him withAlec besides her.

''Looks like Azazel's headed south.We just recovered four dead mundanes with his signature M.O.'' Alec  placed his hands on the table and told the two what he had heard some shadowhunters talking about .

''Okay, let's go.'' Jace turned around to move only to be stopped by a familiar voice ''To catch a greater demon you summoned to the Institute defying all protocol and common sense?'' Imogen Herondale appeared on Alec's other side and leaned on the table.

Katherine smacked her lips ''This all isn't on Jace, I, uh had a part in this too.'' Alec intertwined their hands ''We both did.'' Imogen's eyes softened as she saw the way he looked at her granddaughter.

 ''Look, if you want to bench your best fighter with a greater demon on the loose, I am happy to oblige.'' Jace had smugness in his voice.

Imogen's eyes went to him ''No, first we vanquish Azazel...then I'll decide what to do with you and as for you....'' she looked at Katherine who pouted her lips and gave her grandmother an innocent look. Alec raised his eyebrows in amusement at that look as Imogen tried to fight the smile that threatened to show ''In my office.Now.''

Katherine sighed and pecked Alec's lips before following her grandmother.

''Someone's in trouble.''

''Shut it, Jace.''

''So.'' Katherine closed the door behind her as she entered the office of Imogen and took a deep breath  '' I know, what we did was wrong and we should have ask..well at least I should have-'' ''Kate.'' Imogen motioned for her to sit on a chair.

''That's not why I called you.'' Katherine looked at the older woman in confusion  as she sat on the chair ''You-you didn't?'' ''No.'' Imogen shook her head softly '' I never really talked to you about your angelic powers.''

She sighed and leaned forward in her chair ''What about them?''

''Magnus had told me that you can control them well.'' Katherine nodded her head at that and Imogen smiled before her face again became serious ''Keep them handy, I have a feeling this all is far from over....and there's something else.'' she placed a hand on Katherine's thigh, her eyes soft.

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