''A Herondale?'' Alec and Jace looked at Magnus before looking back at her, confusion and shock filling all of their faces.
Katherine, on the other hand, wasn't shocked or even confused. She knew that Magnus wasn't lying and she was comfortable with being a Herondale. Whole of her life, Katherine had lived a false identity, and if she was being honest with herself, she never found the kind of security and comfort in the name Fairchild that she had in Herondale , it was as if she always knew that she wasn't really a Fairchild.
Alec gripped her arm tighter, ''But how's that even possible? The Herondales are all dead.'' Magnus gave him a pointed look, ''Not all.'' ''Who are the Herondales?'' Clary asked them all, with a frown on her face. ''They are one of the oldest lines of shadowhunters, much like the Lightwoods and Fairchilds.'' Katherine explained and looked at Magnus in curiosity, ''How am I a Herondale?''
Magnus sighed, ''It's a long story, and as you'd say, a hell of a story.'' he looked at Alec and Jace who both were still by Katherine's side and Izzy who had grabbed her hand, his eyes finally fell on the Fairchild, confusion and hurt at being lied to clear in her eyes, ''Doesn't look like any of them would be leaving you alone any soon.''
Katherine smiled at them all and looked at Magnus , ''Very well then , here it goes. You, Katherine were born to Stephen and Celine Herondale. Now, I don't know much, but what I do know is that your mother was pregnant with you-'' she snorted ''Obviously'' ''-and your twin.''. Katherine inhaled deeply and the room was filled with gasps.
She had a twin, that thought bought tears to her eyes and she leaned in Alec, who wrapped his arms around her, ''I had a twin?'' Magnus nodded his head, ''While Celine was pregnant with you two, Valentine, who was good friends with your father, gave your mother regular doses of angelic blood.'' her blood ran cold at the information ''And when your mother died, Valentine cut her womb and pulled you out first-'' Magnus stopped and hesitated, Katherine looked at him ''Magnus, what happened next?''.
The warlock's eyes were filled with sorrow, ''I don't know what happened to your twin, Katherine, but more than likely, he's dead.You were born and had your twin been alive, he would too have been born with more angelic blood than a normal shadowhunter.'' Katherine let the tears she had been holding flow freely down her cheek, these tears weren't for herself, but for the life her twin could have lived.She placed her free hand on Alec's arm, taking comfort from the touch and he ran his hand down and up her back.
''What happened next?'' Jace asked when she couldn't.
''Valentine, for reasons I never understood, didn't take you under his wing and instead, though I am pretty sure he had no idea, placed you down outside a random door.'' Magnus's eyes filled with love and adoration and Katherine let out a teary chuckle, ''It was you, wasn't it?'' he smiled and went down on his knees in front of her, ''You were always beautiful, Katherine. A baby with bright blue eyes and pale blonde hair.'' he touched her hair and she looked at him in confusion, ''How do you know my back story?''
Magnus chuckled, ''I read your memories which were still fresh, I thought of giving you to someone who'd be able care for you better that me, but I couldn't. One look at you and I knew that I was always meant to be your father.'' Katherine choked with emotion, ''I raised you up for two years and gave you the name Katerina Dale but after two years a friend of mine told me it wasn't safe for you to be with me, that everyone would start asking questions about you and someone could make the connection.''
He got up from the ground and a sudden anger filled his eyes, ''The biggest mistake I have ever made is when I handed you over to Jocelyn Fairchild,'' he looked at Clary who flinched and looked away, Katherine felt bad for her, she didn't deserve to be punished for what Jocelyn had done, ''I agreed and changed your eye and hair color to match Jocelyn 's before changing your name to Katherine and making Jocelyn promise that she'll love you like her own blood.I erased every memory you had of me.'' Katherine got up from the ground and walked over to Magnus, her eyes bloodshot and face dried with tears.

The Warrior(Alec Lightwood)
FanfictionShadowhunters -season 1-season2-season3 Katherine Fairchild had run away from her home when she was eleven and had been taken in by the Lightwoods. She has trained with the Lightwood siblings and Jace Wayland. However, nine years later, people from...