Katherine walked up to where Izzy was standing and looked at Jace and Clary, who were both standing so close that she worried that she would be an unwilling audience member to another kiss of theirs ''Tell me...'' Katherine looked at Izzy ''-that they aren't about to kiss again.'' Izzy chuckled ''So you did hear about their kiss.'' she nodded her head ''Who hasn't.''
''And what's the second rule?'' Clary asked Jace about something that Katherine hadn't paid attention to. She and Izzy smirked at each other before she wrapped her whip around the Mortal Cup that was in Jace's hand, pulling it in her hand. Jace and Clary looked at them and the older girl gave them a wink, ''There's nothing a shadowhunter can't do in heels.'' she and Izzy walked towards Clary as Jace walked toward Alec who was looking at a monitor.
Izzy returned the Mortal Cup back to Clary.
''Alec, what are you doing?You can stare at this monitor all you want they need angel blood to get past the wards.You know that.'' Jace leaned against the side of the monitor as Clary placed the cup back inside the card and Katherine let out a low whistle, ''Never gonna get used to that.'' Clary chuckled at her and Izzy linked arms with Katherine.
''No Downworlder can come into the Institute.'' Jace added and Katherine looked at him, ''You're right, they can't.'' Izzy leaned on the table ''Not without an invite by a Shadowhunter.'' Alec turned towards them ''Last I checked,Valentine is a shadowhunter. The Cup is not safe here.We have to give it back to the Clave.'' Katherine looked at Clary, already knowing the Fairchild's answer ''Give it back to the Clave?No.'' she narrowed her eyes at the younger red headed girl. ''Not after everything we went through to get it.''
''The Cup isn't your personal property,Clare.You might have found it but you don't own it.'' Katherine kept her voice stern and tried not to snap at her. Izzy looked at Clary, ''My brother and Kate are both right.The Cup is extremely important.'' the Herondale gave her a thankful look while Alec seemed surprised at his sister being on his side ''Are you agreeing with me?''
Katherine bit her lip at that while Izzy simply shrugged her shoulders ''I am full of surprises.'' that made her chuckle and that chuckle turned into a snort as Izzy innocently winked at her. ''This Cup is the one chance I have at getting my mother back.'' a sudden wave of angry went through Katherine and she chuckled humorlessly ''The Cup, unfortunately, Clary... is at the moment more important than Jocelyn Fairchild.'' the coldness in her voice made Clary shiver but she glared at her.
''Kate, she's your mom too.'' Katherine's jaw clenched and before Izzy who was standing nearest to the girl could do anything, she whispered something in Clary's ear that made her realize the anger Katherine had for Jocelyn ''My mother died at my birth...You are my sister but I never saw Jocelyn as a mother.'' those words lifted a weight off her shoulders.
The rest three could only watch as a pained look came on Clary's face and behind the mask that Katherine wore, Alec was the first one, followed by Jace and Izzy to see the raw pain. ''I agree with Clary.'' Jace broke the tension between the former siblings as Alec gave him a look and the older girl rolled her eyes at him ''Of course you do.''
''We can't give the Cup to the Clave, not now.We need it.'' Jace looked at Kate and then at Alec who blinked before looking at Kate then back at Clary ''It's our only bargaining chip.'' Katherine looked away in defeat as she knew that no matter what she or Izzy or Alec said, the Cup wasn't going to go back to the Clave.
Clary walked in front of Alec, ''Look I know how powerful this Cup is..it has the power to create new Shadowhunters-'' she looked back at Katherine and Izzy ''-controls demons and even kill a mundane if they drank from it.'' she looked at Alec ''....But I promise you.... I will not let that monster get his hands on it.'' and despite their earlier argument, Katherine trusted every single word that Clary said.

The Warrior(Alec Lightwood)
FanfictionShadowhunters -season 1-season2-season3 Katherine Fairchild had run away from her home when she was eleven and had been taken in by the Lightwoods. She has trained with the Lightwood siblings and Jace Wayland. However, nine years later, people from...