Dead's Man's Party

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On the way back to the Institute, Katherine had told Izzy about her being adopted by Jocelyn, but this time tears hadn't come out of her eyes, instead anger  had filled her.Izzy had taken her hand in her own and had told her that she had and would always be a part of their family and Katherine had given her a tear filled smile.

''I still don't understand how can shadowhunters be better than what you people call mundanes?'' Clary asked them as they walked through the Institute. ''Because we protect humans.'' Izzy said ''You are right.You protect humans, you left Simon all alone in the  van.Great job, guys.You rock.'' Clary said and Katherine grabbed her arm roughly ''I have had enough of you blaming us for Simon's kidnapping.If you cared so much about him ,you wouldn't have let him come with us in the first place.'' she snapped at Clary ,annoyed at her repeatedly blaming Izzy for Simon and  Alec nodded his head ''There is some truth to the idea that human beings should have a modicum of common sense.'' he said as Clary scoffed at him, Katherine suddenly had to hold back the urge to slap her ''Kate,Alec.Not now.'' Izzy said and she dropped Clary's arm '' Look, they won't do anything to Simon.They just wanted to draw you out, they want the Cup and they think you have it.'' Jace explained to her ''But why do they think that, why does anyone think that?What, my mom lies to me my entire life including the fact that Kate's adopted except 'Oh, by the way, there's this magic cup, I hid on like the planet Bongo, but don't tell anyone.'' Clary said and Katherine smacked her lips ''Well, that's about right.'' ''Really,Kate?'' Clary snapped at her and a wave of anger shot through Katherine that she couldn't control and had to bite her lip from lashing out at the Fairchild ''What am I supposed to do now?'' she asked them. 

''We have to report to the Clave.'' Alec said  and started walking again ''Great.'' Jace and Katherine said and followed him ''Why doesn't this creep me out anymore ?'' she asked the blonde ''Because you and I are both used to it.'' he said and Katherine laughed at that causing Jace to laugh along with her ''They have to know what we have learned about Valentine.'' Alec rolled his eyes at the pair's conversation ''What that he's my father?'' Clary asked and the trio stopped before looking at her, Katherine raised an eyebrow at her ''Great.Fine. Tell them, what good does that do to Simon?'' she asked ''It's all connected, Clare. The vamps want the Cup.'' the older red haired girl explained '' Why? It makes new shadowhunters.'' she said ''Nobody wants Valentine forming an army loyal to himself.'' Alec said  ''Plus it controls demons.'' Izzy added and Katherine nodded her head ''They'll propose a trade.Simon for the cup.'' Jace looked at Clary ''So vampires will trade Simon for the cup and Valentine will trade my mother for the cup.Either way I lose someone I love.'' she said and Katherine sighed, she really felt bad for the younger girl, she wasn't told about the shadow world or trained or prepared and all of it made her hate Jocelyn Fairchild even more. ''What if I just toss it up in the air and let them fight it out among themselves?'' Clary asked and Katherine snorted ''Yeah, don't do that.''

''So this doesn't matter to you?'' Alec asked ''Yes, of course it matters!'' Clary snapped at him and Katherine gave her a glare ''Listen...when you saved my life...I put my trust in you.Now, I need you to put your trust in me.I can't just turn into what you are overnight.'' she looked at the older girl and Katherine' eyes softened ''Well, can't argue with that, you have been in the dark all your life ,courtesy of mom.'' her voice hardened at the last word and Clary winced at it ''You are right,Kate.And it's true, she was raised as a mundane.'' Izzy said ''What are you two, her spokesmen now?'' Alec looked at them both. ''I don't need spokesmen, I need a plan.'' Clary walked towards the monitors ''Look at all this stuff, these screens.....I mean can any of this help me find Simon?'' Clary asked as they all walked towards a table with papers and an open book on it ''Where is he, anyway? Some kind of crypt in Transylvania?'' Clary said and Katherine chuckled ''Wouldn't that be interesting? Then we could all go on a little trip to Romania to save your best friend.'' Jace and Izzy chuckled at that while Alec gave her an amused look and Clary sighed ''While I do appreciate your humor, it isn't need now,Kate.'' ''I disagree,I think the humor was great.'' Jace winked at Katherine and she gave him a smile ''And no, that was Camille's outfit, right?'' he asked Alec who nodded his head ''They are locals.'' Katherine said ''They are at the Hotel DuMort, down in Ganaevoort  Street.'' Izzy said  '' And we came back here? Why? We have to go there.Let's go.Now.Come on.'' Clary looked like she was about to run to find Simon herself and the older girl's eyes widened ''Whoa ,whoa. Slow down there,Clare. We can't just go like that.'' ''She's right.We need a Clave resolution for that.'' Alec added. ''The five  of us can't declare war on the vamps all by ourselves.'' Izzy looked at Clary ''And we can't react without considering our options, downworlders are slaves to their impulses, we're not.'' Alec explained.

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