Simon's kidnapped part 2

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Katherine re-entered the training room after cleaning her mysterious star-wound that had again opened and she felt like a fool for not asking Magnus about it. 

She saw Alec training Clary and stood off to a side, watching them both and listened in to their conversation, ''So you will just let her send Jace out instead of you?'' Alec raised his stick to attack her but Clary blocked it and a small smile made it's way onto Katherine's face ''If I screw up, I expect to be punished.I'm supposed to be a leader.'' she pushed his stick off her's and Katherine grabbed a blade before turning it over and over in her hand, her eyes never leaving the pair.

''You know what a leader does,Alec? Makes decisions.'' they circled each other ''You need to find Valentine and stop him.I need to find Valentine and help save my mother.'' Clary attacked and Alec blocked her before forcing her stick to the ground and she kicked his out of his hands but Alec spun and caught Clary's stick, before throwing her to the ground.

Katherine winced, ''Ouch.'' Alec turned his head to her , ''Don't cut yourself again on that.'' she gave him a mock offended look , he smirked at her before helping Clary up  '' And you need to work on your defense ....What do think? Do you think we haven't been trying to find your mother?'' he picked up her stick from the ground ''Of course you have.But I know you can color outside the lines, you're just not letting yourself think that way.'' Katherine stopped spinning the blade and placed it back on the table before moving a bit closer to them.

''Yeah?What's the big thought I am not thinking?'' Alec threw Clary's stick back to her, ''We can still find Valentine.'' Katherine narrowed her eyes at the Fairchild, ''And how do you know that, Clare?'' Clary looked between her and Alec, ''I might know a way.My mother hid a lot from me-'' Katherine chuckled humorlessly , ''Really, couldn't have guessed'' ''-but I did see one thing....there's a box.She didn't think I knew about it but she opened it once a year and cried.''

The Herondale frowned, not because she felt bad for Jocelyn, but because she remember her doing that , ''Yeah, I remember it too.'' Alec looked between the two girls, his eyes softened on Katherine ''Cause?'' she looked at Clary before continuing ''She said it belonged to...well, Clary's father, it had his initials, JC on top.'' Katherine shrugged her shoulders and Alec frowned, ''But her father's  Valentine, why JC?'' and the Herondale looked at Clary as she didn't knew the answer to that.

''Because for 18 years, she told me his name was Jonathan Clark. That was a lie, but whatever was in that box meant a lot to her.Maybe there's something inside that could help us track him.'' Clary's voice filled with hope and Katherine looked at Alec who shrugged his shoulders, '' Where can we find the box?''

''I think it's back at the loft. Let's go get it.'' Katherine sighed and shook her head, ''Uh, I don't think we should do that without permission.'' and Alec nodded his head as she gasped again ''Kate, what's wrong?'' Alec pulled her hair away and looked at her left shoulder that was again bleeding, ''Ah, damn.Not this again.'' she hissed as Alec pulled his stele out ''What, this happened before?'' he ran his stele over her wound ''Yeah, um... it happened many times before, Jace knows about it.It has a weird start shape, opens out of nowhere, I should have asked Magnus about it.''

Alec looked at her, concern in his eyes, ''Why didn't you tell me?'' she inhaled, ''It wasn't that big of a deal,Alec.'' and  he lifted her head up until their eyes met, ''When it comes to you, everything is a big deal.'' his hand accidentally brushed across the bare skin of her shoulder and Katherine gasped before a warm shiver went through her body. That gasp did something deep inside of Alec and he couldn't help tuck her hair behind her ear and let his fingers linger on her cheek.

Katherine sighed slowly  and out of the corner of her eye, saw the lack of red hair, panic settling  inside her, ''Alec, where's Clary?'' 

Alec looked where she was looking before both of them ran out of the training room and towards the Fairchild's room, it didn't surprised Katherine that she wasn't there. ''I think I might know where she is.''

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