Katherine stood in front of the mirror in her room as she looked at what she was wearing.It wasn't something fancy or even a dress ,just a simple grey color top with a deep v-neck that showed the deflect rune that was on her chest and tight black pants with high heeled boots.Katherine had begged Isabelle to let her wear a plain top instead of the usual dresses that she gave her.She loved Izzy, she really did ,but sometimes Izzy was too much of fashion. Katherine sighed and was about to open the door, when someone opened it from the outside.''Oh you are ready, perfect.'' Izzy said.She was wearing a white two piece and was holding her platinum wig in her hand and dragged Katherine out of her room with her other hand. ''Jesus, what's the rush ,Iz?'' she said as they walked into the hallway ''Rush ,what rush?'' Izzy said and Katherine gave her a look which she returned with a smile before they bumped into Alec.Katherine gave Alec a smile which he returned ''Hey there, big bro.'' Izzy said to which Alec raised an eyebrow as his gaze went to the wig in his sister's hand ''Really?'' he asked her and Kate nodded her head ''Tell me about it.'' she said and recevied a playful glare from Izzy and a smile from Alec ''What can I say? Demons dig blondes.'' she said ''Of course they do, but that's white.'' Alec said and Katherine snorted which caused Alec to look at her with his one eyebrow raised ''Oh Al.'' she said and placed her hand on his cheek ''It's platinum.'' she said and Alec placed his hand on top of hers ,causing goosebumps to travel down her arm before he gently removed her hand from his cheek.His face suddenly felt warm and he had to look away.
Both were confused as to why their bodies reacted the way they did, but Izzy looked between them with a knowing look.
''And besides ,they don't exactly like Shakespeare okay,Alec?'' Izzy said pulling the pair's attention off each other as they continued walking. ''You are plenty distracting on your own.'' he said and Izzy sighed ''So be yourself, is that what you are trying to say?'' ''Oh believe me, that is exactly what he is trying to say.'' Katherine said amused at the siblings constant bickering. ''Never mind, looking good.Let's go.'' Alec said as they reached the heart of the Institute, where Jace was looking at the monitor ''We are ready,Jace.''. Katherine and Jace had a bond that they could feel each other's emotions, and physical pain. When they had first met each other, they hadn't gotten along for a month because both of them were very similar to each other.But over the years the two had become the best of friends anyone could ever ask for. The bond that they shared wasn't activated until once Katherine had gotten a fatal injury from a mission and irtaze drawn by Izzy , Alec and Maryse were disappearing but then Jace,with his eyes bloodshot and his hands shaking had drawn the Irtaze on her shoulder and the wound had healed.No one knew how it worked or why was there a weird bond between the duo and they didn't have a problem with the bond, it made them protective of each other and they understood each other the way siblings would.
Katherine told him as they approached the blond boy, ''Looking good,Kate.'' he said and then his eyes landed on Izzy ''Nice choice Izzy, demons dig blondes.'' Jace said and Izzy linked her arm through Katherine's ''Told you.'' Katherine looked at Alec and gave him a smirk, he rolled his eyes ''It's platinum.'' he told Jace. ''Alright guys, for some reason our demon friends are killing mundanes and draining their blood.'' Jace explained ''Why do they want blood, isn't that vampire territory?'' Alec asked as they all walked towards one of the seraph blades rack ''Maybe their just plain ol' lazy?'' Katherine stated and the blond male pointed in her direction and gave her a wink ''Exactly my point.'' he said. ''There must be something special about their blood.'' Izzy said ''What could be special about mundane blood.'' Alec asked his sister, clearly thinking that there was nothing special about mundane blood ''Well maybe in this case mundane blood is special.'' the red headed said. ''You get me a sample and I will tell you exactly what they are looking for.'' Izzy said ''We will have more answers when we figure out exactly who the demons are working for.'' Jace said and handed the rest three seraph blades ''So you don't think they are acting on their own?'' Katherine asked him ''No.'' Jace said.

The Warrior(Alec Lightwood)
FanfictionShadowhunters -season 1-season2-season3 Katherine Fairchild had run away from her home when she was eleven and had been taken in by the Lightwoods. She has trained with the Lightwood siblings and Jace Wayland. However, nine years later, people from...