''It's not working.'' Katherine grunted in frustration as she wore her black leather jacket back on after Clary had for the tenth time drawn the same rune on herself, Katherine and Jace in order for them to track Valentine but failed.
''Why isn't it working though?'' Jace looked at her in confusion as the three spotted Alec and Izzy gathered around a table. Clary shrugged her shoulders ''I don't know.''
''Anything new?'' Izzy asked as the three joined her and Alec around the table, he smiled at Katherine before pressing a quick kiss on her lips ''We tried tracking him together like we did with Jonathan but for some reason it didn't work.'' Clary explained to the two.
''Magnus's wards are up.'' Jace added and Katherine stiffened at the name of her father figure, Alec saw that and placed his hand on top of her's as the younger twin continued to talk ''Valentine must have been in the city.''
Izzy sighed in relief ''Thank the angel for Magnus and the warlocks.'' the older girl scoffed bitterly ''They didn't do it for us.'' she reminded the younger girl and Izzy looked at her for few moments before looking at the rest ''Teams are out doing block by block sweeps throughout the city..we'll find him...'' she assured all of them.
Katherine saw Clary and Jace talk in hush whispers and smiled, ''Alec look.'' she nudged him and Alec did look, he looked at the smile that sat on her lips, that even in the war and chaos that surrounded them gave him hope ''I am.'' she turned her head and blushed under the intensity of his gaze and Alec found that beautiful.
The alarm suddenly blared and the two broke their loved filled eye contact as Katherine flinched at the noise.
''Aerial sensors.'' Alec said as they all made their way to one of the monitors. ''Is it Valentine?'' Clary asked and Katherine folded her arms across her chest ''No, doesn't look like it.'' ''Could be some kind of wraith demon.'' Izzy added.
''Well then...'' Katherine played with the charm on her bracelet ''Let's go do some shadowhunting.''
''Is that what we are calling it now?''
The streets of New York were busy with people and jammed with traffic but the mundanes didn't see the five shadowhunters running down the traffic filled street nor did they see the winged demon that was flying in the sky.
''Where is it?'' Jace asked as all of them looked around for the demon. ''It should be right on top of us.'' Alec replied back and Katherine's eyes went between two buildings where she saw the demon flying through ''ALEC!'' she shouted and raised her blade higher up causing Alec to follow her gaze and he raised his bow up, prepared to shoot.
''I've never seen a demon like that.'' Izzy breathed out in panic and Katherine chuckled while keeping her eyes on the demon ''Neither have I.'' they heard the demon roar as it disappeared from their sights.
The older girl squinted her eyes in order to look for the demon.
''On your six!'' Jace exclaimed and Alec spun around before he let the arrow fly in the demon's direction but missed it as it again went behind the buildings. Katherine breathed out and tightened her grip on her blade.
''Can you see it?'' Izzy asked.
The demon roared but didn't come out in their view making Katherine frown in confusion ''What the hell is it waiting for?'' Clary asked the question that covered both their minds. ''It's coming around for another pass.'' Alec replied back.
''ALEC!'' Izzy shouted as Katherine sucked in a breath when the demon roared and headed straight towards them. ''Relax.I got this.'' the oldest Lightwood sibling's hand didn't shake as he aimed his bow at the demon before releasing the arrow which did hit the demon...but insisted of vaporizing, it exploded into smaller demons.

The Warrior(Alec Lightwood)
FanfictionShadowhunters -season 1-season2-season3 Katherine Fairchild had run away from her home when she was eleven and had been taken in by the Lightwoods. She has trained with the Lightwood siblings and Jace Wayland. However, nine years later, people from...