Chapter 5

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It has been two weeks since Khushi is working at S &K Publication. She has  been trying to learn as much possible and give her best. She wants to get a permanent position here after her internship is over. During this period she has been watching different shades of Rishab through the glass doors. Sometimes he is angry, sometimes thoughtful and most of the time engrossed in work. No matter how much she has tried not to look at him, she has failed. Something in him has gained her attention and she doesn't know what it is. She has tried to find more information on Ranvir. She has come to know that Ranvir is one of the best seller writer at S &K Publication. But he has never visited the office and no one has seen him. He mails his writings directly to Rishab who either edits them himself or Rahul edits them before publication. Only Rishab knows the real identity of Ranvir Malhotra.

It's late, every one in the office has left. Khushi is still busy working on something Rahul had given that very morning. Rishab is in his cabin working on some project. He has two businesses to run which makes him very busy. He has to meet Sachin regarding this project today. So he gets ready to leave the room only to find light coming from a cubicle. He thinks,'Everyone must have left by now. Then from where this light is coming?' As he comes out of his cabin, he finds a girl sitting in the cubicle and writing something. He asks,"Why haven't you left till now?" The girl is Khushi and she gets startled and says,"Ammaaa..Sorry sorry. Please dont get angry." Rishab says,"Sorry to startle you... But what are doing in the office now, it's late. Why haven't you left? By the way what's your name?" Khushi is scared of Rishab's anger, still gathering all her courage she says,"I am Khushi Chopra, the intern at editing department. Rahul sir had given me some pages to proof read and I was so engrossed in it that I had not seen the time. I am sorry. I will just leave now." Saying this Khushi starts gathering her papers in her folder and collecting bag, she starts moving towards the elevator. Rishab too follows her and enters the elevator. There is an awkward feeling  between the two. They don't talk during the elevator ride. Just as the door opens, both move towards the gate of the building. Khushi says,"Good night sir." Rishab does not reply but move towards his car parked in front. He turns to see Khushi going towards the main road. He thinks about something and then calls her. Khushi returns to him thinking,'Hey bhagwan, now what? Why is he calling me??' Rishab says,"How will you go home? Where do you stay?" Khushi tells him her address and tell him that she takes auto to return home. Rishab says,"Bahut raat ho gayi hai. You come with me, I 'll drop you home." Khushi knows it's safe to go with him than to wait for autos at this time. She gets into the car with him.

The ride home is different as Khushi is no longer scared of the khadoos boss. She finds him to be a good gentleman and lets her guards down. Rishab for the sake of courtesy and to make the ride little less awkward asks where is she originally from. Khushi being the Khushi she is known for ( batuni and extrovert) starts talking about everything. She tells him about Kasauli, her university, her family, friends and her love of reading and writing. Rishab is astonished to find that he likes the company of this silly but sweet girl. They reach the complex where Khushi stays and getting down from the car, she thanks him for the lift and  bids good bye. Rishab rides away and after going few metres finds the Khushi's folder in the car. He turns the car to go back to the complex. He gets down near the gate and looks up. He can see Khushi from the balcony window dancing with her friend. He does not know what has stopped him to call her and return her folder. He gets back in his car and instead of going to Sachin 's house, drives back to his apartment. All the way he keeps thinking about Khushi. She is different and her innocence is something he has not seen from a really long time. Unknowingly  a smile appears on his face.

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