blind shot (I AM WILDCAT)

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Mafia, but like different lmao, so you work as stripper who will get any kind of news or rumors of the other mafia's motives. (Don't worry your still a badass, you used to be a full swing assassin but ever since losing your left eye you've stuck to the 'safe side.' But losing your eye doesn't mean your a bad shot.) Please read Huntress to get the general idea of the au.

It was a slow night, mostly the usuals and a few younger boys who probably had a fake I.D.'s l. Taking a long Drag from my cigarette my eyes never stopped sweeping the room. Just because no one is looking for me right now doesn't mean they won't be. Hearing the door open I locked eyes with someone I wasn't surprised to see, Wildcat. I putting out my half smoked cigarette before stalking my way over to him I slipped him a sickly sweet grin. Wildcat belonged to one of the biggest Mafia's in the city, I've actually seen him in action a few times from my assassin days. Taking his hand I led him to my back room, taking the few hundred dollars Bill's he slipped into my bra. Most people I'd charge 5 times that, but I've always liked Wildcat. Everyone learned to turn their eyes the other way when I took people back. Because the people who didn't stopped appearing back in the club.

Locking the door I turned back to Wildcat who was already sitting on the couch. "You here on business?" I asked gently as I sat on his lap crossing one of my legs ontop of the other. Wildcat slipped an arm around my waist to keep me in place, but still gently enough so I could stand at any time. "Sadly, I am." Wildcat grumbled his eyes hungrily going down my neck dipping into the curve of my chest, watching the glitter change color with the lights. "What do you need to know?" My voice was light as my eyes dared him to do something. A tango we often danced to when he came around. "The word is the Lunch Club is going to work with the Misfitz to try and get more of our land." Wildcat frowned the corner of his eyes wrinkling in frustration.

"Who told you that? You cheating on me handsome?" I teased running my thumb across his cheekbone accidentally getting a little glitter on him. That actually made him crack a smile as he almost leaned into my touch. "No, Terrorizer said he heard it from the club south from here, it was his day off." I hid my smile as I thought it was cute that wildcat tried to stay 'loyal' to me. "Well they are wrong, at first they were but I quickly found out it fell through because Fitz almost had two of his main men killed for shits 'N giggles." I explained as I leaned into Wildcat enjoying his warmth compared to my a little less than descent outfit. "That's good then." Wildcat relaxed more running his hand across my back, playing with the strings of my top. "Maybe, but tell Vanoss to keep a close eye on Fitz I feel something bad is going to happen sooner than later, With or without back up."

Wildcat thought over my warning as I stood up, "would you fight with us?" Wildcat suddenly asked as I fixed my top, eyeing the money he gave me. "You know I haven't worked in two years, especially after the accident." I hummed as I looked down at him watching him closely. His eyes raked up and down my left eye, milky white with no sight. "I know you've been training even with your bad eye." Wildcats eyes turned soft almost begging me not to tell him no, as if it would kill him. "Will you fight with me?" I broke eye contact turning towards the door. "If your done here I need to get back to work." I didn't tell him No although I did shut down our conversation. But he was right I never stopped taining or practicing, in a town like this you can't have any kind of weakness, even a lover. This time he didn't stop me as I slipped out of the room without another word. I'd never tell him, but I'll fight with them when the time calls.

The past month has been completely quiet, sure a few petty crimes. But nothing stirred from the North and that worried me. Well it worried me enough too finally make my move. I made my was to Team 6's base to talk to Vanoss, because I also haven't seen Wildcat since that night. Running my hand up and down my arm I made my way up the base. Knocking I watched the door "Pass?" I heard basically's voice chime through the door. "How about a very old friend." I gave Basically a crooked Grin when he opened the door shocked. Wildcat and Basically would always show up together to see me before Vanoss deemed me trust worthy. "I haven't seen you in months." Basically returned my grin with a welcoming smile.

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