You Bake? (Technoblade)

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I've seen that Techno doesn't really like shipping but he has made no kind of comments on X readers other than don't use his real name so 👍(I'm not even sure what his name is and I don't want to know-)

(Also this is a Wizard Au bc I've been watching Harry Potter lmao 🤪)

"Philzaaaa it hurtssss." Tommy whined a pout clearly dancing on his face, as I was cleaning his newest cuts and bruises. "Buddy you always cry when someone else does it because it 'hurts way more' now please sit still for Y/N." Philza gently chided him sitting his hand on Tommy's messy blonde hair. "Shut up! I don't cry!" Tommy some how pouted even harder, sometimes I wondered how he was a powerful witch. "I believe you Tommy." I whispered sending Philza a wink. "At least someone believes me around here." Smugly turned his head up making me silently chuckle. "Tell me, where's Wilbur and Techno?" I asked as I pulled out the last few band-aids needed. "They are still out probably grabbing things for some potions, but then I had to bring Tommy back because he fell off his broom." I could see Tommy was about to yell about being told he was basically clumsy. "Hey but your all fixes up! You did so well for me." I smiled at Tommy giving him a gentle forehead kiss where he he had a purple band-aid.

"Yeahh I'm an amazing person to work on." Tommy completely forgot his anger as he smugly stared at Philza. "God, I love women." Tommy snickered as he ran off towards the kitchen making me roll my eyes. What was with him and all his weird women jokes? "Thank you again for help in a such short notice though, I know how busy you can be." Philza smiled rubbing the back of his neck. "I wouldn't have called but some of his cuts where pretty deep, I was scared that they would have needed stitches or even your magic." Philza explained fixing his hat sitting down on the couch. Philza was a very strong wizard but his specialty is the wind. "Ah no! Its okay, I'm glad you did call. I always want an excuse to see my favorite bunch even if its just you and Tommy at the moment." I smiled as I started to put away all of my supplies.

Philza was going to reply but they Wilbur and Techno came in. "Oh hey Y/N!" Wilbur toothly grinned quickly dropping his bag so he could give me a hug. "Why if it isn't my favorite musician!" I smiled as I returned Wilburs hug patting him on the back, like you would a small dog. Wilbur pulled away still smiling as Tommy came hauling ass out of the area kitchen to come say 'hi' to Wilbur. "Good afternoon Y/N." Techno nodded too me picking up Wilbur's bag so it wouldn't be in the way of anyone. "Good afternoon Techno! Did you have fun while you was out gathering? Have an adventure?" I asked as I Techno as he fixed the now both bags he was holding. "Ah, well no, we was just getting flowers, roots and some tree bark, no need for an adventure." Techno gently explained focused on his task of now putting away the material.

"Say Y/N, do you have any plans for the day? Would you like to stay and visit?" Philza asked making room on the couch for Wilbur and Tommy, who was quick to join him. "Well when you ask so nicely!" I smiled as I gently picked up Tommy and sat him back down on my lap. (Hes like 8 in this and Wilbur is like 16 and Techno can be whatever age u want lmao). Tommy breathlessly giggled when I picked him up making me smile. "Wilbur it would be pretty nice if you actually helped Techno put things away." Philza gently tapped Wilbur's leg pointing at Techno who seemed frustrated with how messy Wilburs bag was. "Yeah Wilbur, how many times do I have to tell you to start putting everything in little baggies." Techno chided pointing an accusing finger at Wilbur.

Tommy turned to me holding up his hand and 'whispered' into my ear. "I always use the baggie method because then Techno always gives me something he baked." Wilbur gasped and gave Techno a glare. "You was the one making the baked stuff and never gave it up!?" I couldn't help myself, and neither could Philza as we both started laughing at the bickering. "How about this? Wilbur, Tommy and Philza fixes up the stocks and Techno and I will make special baked goods for everyone!" I clapped my hands together as Wilbur dramatically sighed "finNNeeeEE MuM." I laughed as everyone else gave a nodded of agreement. "Make sure to keep Wilbur motivated." I while to Tommy as I sat him down so I could go bake with Techno. "Okay! I am the best at that!" And then he was running over to Philza and Wilbur.

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