Romance is boring (Wilbur soor)

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(Mmmmhhh, I kinda like using song names as titles ngl) YOO I MISSED IT BUT A FEW DAYS AGO THIS BOOK HAS BEEN UPDATING SENSE 3 YEARS AGO 2019-2021 AND STILL GOING BABBBYYYYYY!!!!

ur stream/ twitch is Chaotic Y/n BTW

"Romance is boring." I sighed glancing at my chat who asked if I was seeing anyone. "Have you ever heard that song Y/n?" Wilbur asked suddenly asked making me pay attention to the call once more. "Mhmm, though I do prefer your cover of the song." I laughed watching Wilbur turn pink from where I had his stream pulled up. I was supposed to help him with Geoguesser but like, I was really bad with surrounding. "Flattery will get you nowhere." Wilbur said pointing at his camera, it made me laugh harder. "Damn, I was really hoping to slip into that king size." I teased laying back into my chair loving how loudly Wilbur was laughing.

"You already have a queen you greedy bitch!" Wilbur finally replied his face rosey from laughing nonstop. "Yeah but like, your bed is softer, though I do have better blankets." I nodded to myself "you don't even know that! You've never even been to the UK!" Wilbur yelled pointing at the camera, I cackled at his words. "Tommy said it was soft, and your blankets were shit." I explained where my thought process was coming from, or well the cold hard facts. "He sat on my bed for two minutes! That's because the little prat snuck off while I made us sandwiches!" Wilbur groaned now holding his face in his hands as I laughed even more. "I think its funny Tommy has a record of going places he isn't supposed to." Wilbur groaned at my amused words as I laughed even harder.

"Are you sure I can stay with you Phil? I really don't want to impose!" I asked for the 8th time over the spand of two weeks. "Yes mate, I promise it's okay, though it won't be if you ask me again!" Phil joked making me smile into my phone witch had Phil on face time. "I feeeeel bad! You better let me cook for you or something so I can at least say wasn't just in your way." I whined before warning him, looking back at my half filled suitcase. "Oh my gosh!" Phil laughed, "Y/n this ment to be a fun trip I'm not going to give you chores or make you pay!" We've had plenty of calls like this ever sense Phil and I decided to have me come over to visit as a suprise! "God we are both too stubborn Mr minecraft." I laughed after a few seconds and Phil's laugh happily joined mine. "You think it will be cold?"

"What do you meaannnn!" Tommy whined after I told him and Wilbur I couldn't stream with them tonight. "Tommy dear, I'm not even home, I'm in a car." I laughed at them, my phone on speaker as I drove to the airport. "Y/n your already on my stream title, the people hear you and demand for you to show." Wilbur announced, I laughed in disbelief shaking my head. "Just as bad as Quackity, lying to the fans." I giggled, knowing soon I would be laughing with him face to face. "Can't you just drive back home? Whatever your doing isn't important."  Tommy asked, and I could already hear the pout in his voice. "You can call my mom and tell her why I had to cancel my flight to visit her for the next three weeks." I lied easily as Tommy groaned dramatically.

"This is so rude." Wilbur sighed and I laughed more as I turned into the air port. "Well boys, wish me luck, I'm deathly scared of heights and planes." I asked as I handed off my friend my keys. She thankfully just had ear buds in the whole time so she really didn't know what was going on. "Wait, are you really?" Wilbur asked as now I plugged my own ear buds into my phone to listen to them as I grabbed my shit. "Yup, first time on the plane I sobbed the whole time, this time I'm eating a gummy worm and praying no one looks at me too hard." That had Tommy laughing really hard as I gave my friend one last wave before going into thr air port. "Oh my God, I can't believe you." Wilbur sighed and I knew he wanted to laugh really bad. "Leave me and my gummy worms alone, but I'll text you guys when I land, bye Wilbur, Tommy and da chat." With there goodbyes I was off into the air port.

Thankfully my flight wasn't too bad, I just listened to music and let myself get lost. It was also good that by the time I got to England my high was gone so I was good to go. Though sitting that long definitely made my whole body hurt in a bad way. Grabbing a drink out of a little shop in the Airport I started looking for Phil. "Fuck if your already looking this tall in person I'm scared of Wilbur." I joked as soon as I saw Phil, he was quick to pull me into a hug. I laughed as I hugged around his middle rubbing his back gently. "God you do give mom hugs, good thing your also a Mom." Phil joked about all of our chats calling me streamer mom, and Kristen mumza never get us confused I cannot disrespect the queen. "Its my brand what can I say?" We both laughed as I took Phil in unable to believe this is real.

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