Welp, fuck it (Wilbur soot)

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(So what I've gathered about Alivbur is that he'll do anything for you to believe he was the same so that's what I ran with?)

Porn with like a wink of plot

"You are stupid and more corrupt than most others anymore." I snapped at Sam, it made me even more mad he looked guilty. "I'm trying my bes-" I cut him off with a scoff as I turned to look out side. "Then don't do your best do thee best Sam. If I find out you have another mistake like this, you won't have to worry about Schlatt being loose but losing a life." I threatened eyes coming too connected with his. "You sure you can do that?" Sam seemed angery at my suggestion, I laughed dancing my axe through my hand before resting it on my shoulder. "Tell me, have you bested Technoblade in a fight more than once? Sam?" I asked a threating tease that clearly had the man on edge once more. "I know you wasn't here for the first war that I fought in so you haven't seen me in action. But know this, I like to play with my food before I eat it." With that I walked away, swinging axe behind me.

"Don't let him come here! Are you stupid!" I bit at Phil who was suprised at my tone of voice, or well the venom. "Suprised to hear that from you, wasn't you two engaged?" Phil asked and I glared at him as I crossed my arms. "That was before Pogtopia." And during because I was begging some higher power that he'd go back to normal. "He could have changed, he's had time to reflect." Phil offered out gently holding my shoulder, a nice offer but I didn't want it. "Phil that's a lot of years brew and grow a worse hate for the world." I sighed standing up and moving to stare out the window. "You literally killed him, you think he's gonna pull you into a hug? Cry? Say he loves you? Thank you?" I glared at Phil who crossed his arms dancing in his spot, clearly hating my words.

"What if he does? What if he is sorry and you break him down all over again because you don't want to even see him?" Phil asked and I shook my head as I looked out towards Ranboo's house. "Technoblade would be on my side if he wasn't fucking asleep."

"You've changed." Wilbur sounded sad when he said it. Of course Phil sent him alone into my house, the old fucking asshole. "Wars and fighting didn't stop just because you died." Wilbur was right, I did look worse for wear most days. More Scars than you can count, the butcher army was most of them if I was honest. "Can you even see out of your eye?" Wilbur's voice was light and I snorted as I reached up and pulled out my glass eye. One thing I loved about Techno, once I tried to save him from the butcher army he made sure Quackity would have the same scar as a Reminder to never touch his pack. "You don't look to hot either Wilbur." I threw back at him, it made him giggle, God I didn't realize how much I missed it. "I stink too." Wilbur teased playing with a lighter in his fingers. "You wanna take a shower? I still have some old clothes you can use while I clean the ones your in."

"See? Not so bad." Phil teased with a smile as he sat next to me drinking tea while I washed Wilbur's clothes. "For now, I'm still keeping my eyes peeled." I grumbled as Phil laughed and shook his head at me. "Remember we can't hear anything from inside your house." Phil grinned at me wiggling his eyebrows at me. "Shut up! Rotten old man!" I yelled flushing bright red, fighting the urge of yelling as I flicked water at him.

"I haven't seen this sense the second war." Wilbur smiled running his fingers across the pink sweater I made him when we first started dating. "I wanted it to keep safe." I said softly looking Wilbur over now, he did look better then when he walked in here. His hair soft and fluffy, the white bright in it, no dirt randomly covering his face. Wilbur looked like he did before he jumped off the deep end. "Do I really look that good?" Wilbur teased and I laughed, well I tried to it came out more choked then anything else. Hating him was much easier when he was dead or actively screaming in my face. "Hey, hey don't cry dear." Wilbur was quick to say as he cupped my cheek, his thumb wiping at my tears.

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