By Your Hand (Technoblade Sbi)

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(Honesty this is just practice I liked a lot, traumatized child reader who doesn't realize just how traumatized she is. If you think she sounds whiney/dramatic at places remember she was raised in a shut up and do it life and is trying to unlearn it/ will do anything that seems right to her)

"Have you ever touched the stars?" I asked voice no louder than a whisper as I looked up into the night sky. "Have you?" Technoblade shot back eyes not leaving were he was cooking our dinner. I wasn't his child and he wasn't my father, he found me yes but he didn't want me either. "I don't have wings." I mused eyes back onto the Piglin who looked at me, almost bored as he rested his head on his hand. "I don't either." Technoblade pointed out and I nodded as I brought my legs up to my chest, nodding. "I don't think that would stop you." That got a small laugh out of the older as he sat the now cooked stake on our plates. "Your right, I've touched the stars with the help of an old friend." Technoblade smiled as he moved to the stove to get the roasted potatoes and Brussel sprout's. "Deaths angel?" "Deaths angel." Technoblade agreed a fond look on his face, he wore it when ever he spoke of the angel. Only about him, nothing I do impresses him or makes him happy.

"Thank you." I offered in change of the plate of food I was handed, eyes drifting to the sky again. "Is it nice up there?" I asked at the age of 7 not known the man I had asked was a God amongst men. "Not a place for someone like you." At the time I had assumed he meant it in a mean way but one day I'd realize it was better I never knew the truth. "Eat, we will be leaving early, before the sun is up." I nodded my thoughts of the sky not leaving me.

"I can't feel my hands." Technoblade paused looking back, the snow was up to my knees. I was 10 and we was doing, something, someone had stole something of ours. "Let me see them." His voice was muffled from the wind that whipped his hair wildly. "Come here." My fingers were turning a pale blue, I mused before I was being picked up and tucked into his neck. "We're almost there." Technoblade promised as he wrapped me in his cape, I smiled against his fur nodding. "Technoblade?" A voice asked, male. I didn't remember when I fell asleep, everything felt numb, in a bad way. I whined when I was being moved, I heared a gasp and words were quickly sent back and forth. Then we was in a furnace, it wad way too hot, I didn't like it. Yet when I tried to tell Techno I was quickly hushed by someone, I grumbled. Yet even in the disgusting heat I slid back into a still sleep not even dreams touched my mind.

The next time I woke up I felt horrible, like I had been thrown off a mountain. It was late, I think the only light coming from the fireplace, even it was somewhat low. I wasn't sure were I was, I didn't remember any of Techno's bunkers being this normal. Then someone was next to me large warm hands I knew so well from years of traveling. I met Techno's eyes and I saw his body relaxed not even realizing he wad tense in the first place. "Hey kid." He whispered moving down and down till we was face to face, he was sitting on floor. "How you feelin'?" He brushed the hair out of my face as I felt tears gathering in my eyes. "Bad." I croaked, my throat and mouth dry I realized as my head started to throb along with the rest of my body. Technoblade was never the one to baby you or feel bad when you was sick. Yet this time I watched as his whole face scrunched up in pain, deep rooted pain as he paused his hand in my hair. "You've been out for 4 days piglit."

"Why?" Techno looked away, towards the fire, continuing to run is fingers through my hair. "The blizzard, I forgot how, young and fragile you were. You almost died." If I hadn't known the older so well I'd have missed the remorse and guilt in his voice. Even if it hurt and took everything out of me I tugged on his long pink hair. A habit I'd picker up two years ago, the best way to make him stop ignoring me or to look at me. Techno looked at me, eyes glassy and pink, trying so hard to hold back unspoken tears. "I love you." I promised as I tugged the pink locks again as the tears rolled down his face and mine. The next time I woke up it was at least day light, Techno missing and some boy I didn't know reading something by the fireplace. Curly brown hair, wire frame glasses, yellow sweater and socks. I guess he felt my eyes on him because soon enough he turned to look at me and we locked eyes. "DAD!" I flinched and groaned at the sudden boom of his voice not expecting it at all from the boy.

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