About Time (Philza)

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(Philza has stated he doesn't mind X readers just he doesn't want to read them! So yes =] hope you guys enjoy.)

It was the afternoon, it was time for Tommy's nap and that's what we was doing. Tommy layed on my chest as I watched Wilbur learn a new song for his guitar. Technoblade was sharping his sword at the table, it was peaceful. Philza was in a couple towns over and he wanted me to watch his bunch, of course I said yes, I loved them as if my own. "Hey Techno?" I softly called the couch as I did my best to look at the boy from my position. "Yeah Y/N?" Techno asked, I heard him set his sword down to give me his full attention. "Do you know what Philza is up to today? He didn't tell me he just kinda dipped." This made Wilbur giggle looking across the room at his brother. "Whats funny Wil?" This just made him laugh more making me wonder what they knew.

"We can't tell you because it's a surprise." Wilbur cheekly grinned as I rolled my eyes. "I hate suprises." I grumbled as held Tommy closer to me. "Okay Nerd." Techno stated making me sigh dramatically. An half-hour later Tommy was starting to wake up. This ment I get my revenge by setting Tommy on them, Tommy always wanted to play after his naps. "Y/n why can't you play with him we're busy." Wilbur pouted as Tommy tugged on his brothers hands. "I'm about to make lunch, go have fun." I smiled and I gave Wilbur and Techno a kiss on there for heads and sent them to the front yard.

I was indeed making lunch, but I also wanted time to make Philza a gift. It is our anniversary of meeting, we met 8 years ago a year after he got Wilbur. I wasn't making anything big, it was an attachment for his hat. It was a black string that went around his hat, some of his would drop of the hat and have beads on it. Yellow for Wilbur, Pink for Technoblade, Red for Tommy. In the exact order he got his boys. Simple but something he can wear everyday and he is a family man through and through. Looking it over one last time I put it in a smaller box and shoved it in my pocket. "Boys! Time for lunch!" I called grabbing there paper plates to the front porch where we always ate together at. "Everyone go grab a drink and we can eat." I smiled as all the boys ran past me.

"Tommy your very clingy today." I mumbled as he sat in my lap as he ate. Normally he would do his best to stay away and call himself a big boy. "So?" Tommy said his mouth full of food making me laugh at him. "Don't worry Tommy I like the attitude." I laughed wrapping my arms around his waist, after handing Techno the rest of my share of lunch. Techno would normally take my fruits or veggies, Wilbur would take my sandwich or such, and lastly Tommy would take my dessert. "Y/N this feels like favoritism." Wilbur laughed as I looked at him for a few seconds. "Okay I'll change that." Before Wilbur could speak again I grabbed him by his arm and pulled him into a hug with Tommy.

"Noooo! Its too hot!" Wilbur whined pushing against me making me laugh. Tommy snuck out of my lap so I fully pulled Wilbur in my lap and crossed my arms over him like I did Tommy. "Awwee Wilby I remember when I used to do this to you all the time, and you would just smile and laugh, oh how much you loveeeddd meee." I cooed at the boy as he turned bright red and fought against me. "Y/N! Stoppp! Let me go your being a di-!" I snapped my hand over Wilbur's mouth before he could say the word. "We don't say words we don't want Tommy saying." I grumbled as I layed back taking Wilbur with me. I took my hand away though, "I hate all of you." Techno snorted at that as he raised his hands. "Hey you complained, not me." Tommy nodded besided Techno before hugging Techno around his neck witch he just expected.

"I want you all to know it's seriously okay to ask me for attention if you want it. I know I'm normaly playing, but Till the day you out live me I'll always be here to cuddle you and give you any kind of love or advice you need, even when your old as Phil and I are." Wilbur relaxed in my hold and slipped his hand into mine secretly where the two others boys couldn't see. "I love you all." I smiled and then laughed when Techno layed against me and Wilbur Tommy getting ontop of Techno's tummy. "Yeahh! Cuddle party!" Tommy squealed against Technos shoulder as he layed his arm on Wilbur's chest so he could touch both his brothers at once.

A few hours, conversation, play fights, we all ended up on the couch with the T.v playing the movie Techno picked for us. I laid with my back to the arm of the couch, Techno on my lap, Wilbur sitting betweeb my legs on the other side of the couch with Tommy was spread out so he could touch everyone at once. It was Tommy's one demand, then Wilbur picked the snack, I picked our drinks, and Techno picked the movie witch was Dirty Dancing oddly enough, but I wasn't going to complain at all.

About half way through our movie Philza came in sending Tommy and Wilbur to go say hi. Techno and I stayed on the couch still watching the movie. "Hi Y/N, Techno." Philza laughed as he saw what we was watching and our focus. "Hello Green bean." I smiled poking his forehead when he came to pick up Technoblade. Standing up also we all went into the Kitchen where Philza brought us dinner apparently. "Everyone go wash your hands." I pointing at Wilbur who was about to start eating. Then everyone took off Techno joined them once Philza sat him down. "So how was your day? Did you have fun being mysterious?"

"Infact I did." Philza grinned as we both started setting out dinner both of dancing around each other. Soon the movie still playing in the the other room started playing the song 'stay' making me laugh. Grabbing Phil's hand I made him dance with me "please, stay, come on, stay just a little bit longer." I sang with the song rocking my hips against Phil's so he stayed in beat with the song. "Won't you press your sweet lips To mine." Phil sang back as we danced across the kitchen butterfly dancing in my stomach. "Won't you say you love me all of the time?" I sang back gigging once phil dipped me before bringing me back up to him with a smile on both our faces. "I love you all the time Y/n." Philza whispered in my ear as we kept dancing. "I love you too Phil, you dork." I kisses the corner of his lips making him pout as I giggled.

"Here I made something for you." Philza let me go as I reached into my pocket and handed him the slightly crushed box. "Uh sorry the box probably got crushed during our cuddle fest today." I giggled nervously as Phil opened it before smiling softly. "Did you made this?" Phil asked clearly touched, "yup, made it just for you." I took it from his hands gently and put in around his hat. It fit perfectly! The beads hung down just liked I hoped they would. "I also got you something today thats why I told the boys to keep it on lock." Phil laughed as he pulled out a small box but it was clearly a Jewelry box. "Phil you should've have." I laughed staring at the beautiful emerald necklace, "how much did this cost you?" I asked as Phil shook his head and put the necklace on me.

"Doesn't matter, what does though is that you look absolutely stunning dear." I did shed a tear or two but that was okay, I threw my arms around his neck as I held him to me and he kept his arms around my waist. "I love you, God you had to top me in my gift and everything." I joked before Phil pulled away. "You topped me nothing bought could win over something you took your time on." Phil smiled as I grinned shaking my head before I brought Phil's face to mine actually kissing him this time. "Yeah! Y/n officially mom now." Wilbur yelled making Tommy yell too. Pulling away laughing ignoring the heat from my face. "Yeah, yeah dorks now let's eat!" I grinned as we all sat down as a Proper family.

(This is like hella short- but I love Philza so much I'm really proud of how far he has came!)

[It's also hard to focus now days all i want to do is read and write but school and people make me so tired and hurt. So if my writing gets a little weird its just because I'm a little upset so thank you guys for understanding]

1532 words

And I'll Love You (Youtubers X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora