Some Help [shit i'm in love] (Wilbur Soot)

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(Guys please like this- it seems like y'all hate when I write for Wilbur 😭😔)

Warning(?) A joke about frosty the snow man touching little kids- like it's not bad! Just a warning just incase

"Never in my whole life did I think Technoblade's older brother would talk to me." I grinned as Wilbur shifted uncomfortably as he looked at us. I was on Dreams lap, I lost a bet, Sapnap and George fighting and Karl and Quackity making out. "I- never mind." Wilbur huffed and turned around, I rolled my eyes and Kissed dreams cheek as I jogged to catch up. "Come on, I promise I don't bite." I teased linking our arms together, Wilbur jumped clearly not knowing I adored physical touch. "It was nothing, drop it." Wilbur rolled his eyes tugging his arm away from mine as he look ahead. "Wilbur, I'm serious, did you need help or wanted to talk?" Wilbur stopped walking, but he didn't turn around to face me just yet. "Do you know where I live." Wilbur asked as he kept his face trained in front of him, as If facing me would make him lose his will to speak. "Well, yes, I've picked up Technoblade for the gym or our wrestling meets."

"Come over tomorrow night, 7:30, don't be late." Wilbur waved and walked off, very odd boy but I mean so was Technoblade. With a sigh I headed back to everyone, no one had noticed I left other than Dream but now he was egging George on. I shook my head laughing lightly as I returned next to Dream this time. The thought of the tall boy with messy curly brown hair not far from my thoughts.

"Your not the pizza guy." Technoblade said once he opened the door the next day as Wilbur told me too. "Oooo, I'm telling coach your not eating correctly." I saw over his shoulder Wilbur staring at me, clearly he didn't want his brother to open the door. Technoblade laughed at my joke, the purest form of validation is getting Tech to laugh. "I'm here for your brother, we have a project in science." I shrugged and Technoblade nodded as if it was true and let me inside. "Yeah, tell Dad I'll be home around 10." Wilbur said quickly shoving me out of the door way, like I had assumed I was going inside. "Bye Tech." I waved over my shoulder as I let Wilbur usher me back to my car, it was kinda cute how nervous he was. "Am I taking you out for dinner or?" I asked as I was buckling my seat belt, in the corner of my eye I could see Wilbur typing quickly on his phone. "I didn't bring my wallet." Wilbur said looking away for a few seconds to answer then kept typing. "Here, are you Hungry Wilbur?" I asked and Wilbur nodded before pausing like he hadn't meant to agree. "How about some taco bell and we can talk out in a field?"

"Are you going to murder me?"

"I might if you don't put on your seatbelt."

Thankfully Wilbur relaxed way more when I let him over take the aux cord. If I was completely honest, Wilbur had some great music, some of them I also already had on my Playlist. "What do you want?" I asked as I started counting how much bills I had in my wallet. "One soft taco, is fine." Wilbur explained and I hummed pretending like I was going to listen to his words. "Hi, can I get a crate of soft tacos? Two sprites and one chicken Quesadilla?" I ignored the choking sound Wilbur made next to me as the lady told me my total. "I told you one!" Wilbur whined next me, I laughed looking at me and smiled at him as I shrugged. "We can share everything, well other than my sprite I got you your own." I explained with a smile, Wilbur was smiling but he rolled his eyes dramatically. "Why are we going out to a field again?" Wilbur asked as he watched me pull into the said field. "Its nice, and you can talk freely without judgment." I shrugged as I turned off my car waving him to get out also. "If a bug lands on my food I'm throwing it at you." Wilbur stated and I laughed as I pulled the blanket I kept in my trunk out.

"I'd never buy you food again." I smiled as we laid out our blanket and our food. It was mainly silent other than quickly and useless questions that didn't really mean much. "Technoblade said you helped him." Wilbur finally said as he shifted and looked up at the star filled sky, another reason I took him out here, it's beautiful. "Yes, did he tell you what I helped him with?" I asked, Technoblade was having problems with his stress and he was so unsure and confused about his sexualty I helped. "Not really, but I can clearly tell he's been happier than he's been in awhile." Wilbur explained pulling his legs to his chest, I looked up to the stars also. "I won't tell you what he came to me for out of complete respect and I'll do the same for you." I offered, the chill of the night coming for us, the promise of the beginning of fall.

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