As You Wish (Niki)

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(I've never really wrote Niki before but please do not come for me, also I said Technoblade to be Wilbur's brother, they really aren't Technoblade is as old as Phil but lets Wilbur say hes the middle child)

"I don't need your help." Words sharp and annoyed, my new personal knight bowed. "But your father wished it so I shall be here." I huffed crossing my arms as I started down the hallway hearing her steps behind me. It had only been two days sense my last knight had passed, nothing scary just a heart attack. I had loved him he was like an older brother, you'd think I'd have more time to morn before they forced someone else to follow me. "What were your duties before being assigned to me?" I asked and I heard her stumble a little, so clearly I caught her off guard. "Well, I did rounds at night and trained newer knights." Niki spoke then named off a few other small things, I nodded again. "Was you personally chose by my father or did the head knight chose you?" I asked leading us into my room, letting her walk in before shutting the door. "Your father, may I ask what all the questions are for? If you think I'm not strong because I am a wome-" I cut off the girl with a wave of my hand suprised on her face as I Rolled my eyes. "You think that lowly of me? I do not care of your gender, I care for how long you've been training and why you exactly. Tell me what is your name?" It, well she was cute when she blushed up to her ears at my words, flustered now. "I am Niki my lady, second born of the Redstones." Niki bowed but I smiled at her last name, Redstone's were our best builders in the kingdom.

"Call me Y/n we are to be friends soon enough, why chose to be a knight rather than build like your father, Sam." Niki was still red in the face but was quick to calm herself, that was good. "I've always wanted to be more than what I've been told to be, so I became a knight no one could look down on me." Niki spoke firmly, her hands balling into fists, so she was teased a lot and maybe even bullied and became better than them, than everyone. "Thank you for answering my questions Niki, your free to look around as you please I'm just writing at the moment." Niki in the end didn't look around but look out my window by my side.

I didn't mind Niki, I actually thought she was charming but she was a bit annoying when she would stay so close. I felt caged in when she would be right behind Me moving my elbow back and it would hit her chest plate. This has been going on for three weeks, I was letting it slide as this was hee first time guarding a person. That she would losses up, but no, deadly close and always being one misstep in my way. "Niki, dear?" I asked stopping in the middle of the hall, another reason I didn't like her so close when I stopped she'd normally bump into me. Normally it would be fine and I'd laugh it off but the medal of her chest plate always dug into my skin and left bruises. Sure that part wasn't her fault but I had the habit of stopping and looking st things. "Yes my lady?" Niki smiled and I returned it before holding my hand out to her. "Please, walk by my side and not behind me, it bothers me not to see those beautiful blue eyes of yours." I wasn't going to be a dick, plus I would prefer if she did walk next to me. It would be more natural to talk to her instead of practicing looking behind me. Niki flushed opening and closing her mouth before she said words I'd come to love. "As you wish." Niki finally answered yet not taking my hand as we started to walk once more.

"Technoblade!" I called grabbing Nik's hand as I ran to catch up with him a smile on my lips. "My lady," Technoblade began bowing before standing up straight and finishing his sentence. "What do I own the pleasure?" Technoblade asked and I let go of Niki's hand as I smiled at him, when I was little I'd follow him around. "Is Tommy on duty? I have a job for him." Technoblade was our head knight our general if we were to go to war. "Yes, we're would you like me to send him?" Technoblade asked and I looked over to Niki who was confused as I smiled at her. "The kitchen please, thanks Tech!" I chirped as I waved Niki to follow me as I raced down the halls knowing my father and mother were in a meeting. "What are you up to?" Niki asked once we finally got to the kitchen, I turned towards her as I rested my hands on my hips. "We are going to make cupcakes and Tommy will be our personal guard until your back on duty."

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