just we two? (Philza)

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Humming I continued on my way, See I was a traveler. Well, at least trying to be one, I'm not the best of keeping on track too well. See! I was heading to the capital of this sever, a newer one that only few knew about. Rumor had it the legendary Angel of death lived here. Not that anyone really knew what he does or looked like these days, other rumors said he died, others said he had a family. I personally hoped that he was still alive! Its not every day you get to meet the man who saved all of the severs and killed Herobrine. My brother actually fought along side the said hero, though, he did die. My brother was a hero, that is also another reason I fought to find the Angel of death. He wrote me a letter explaining how my brother saved his life, in the final fight. He also sent me my brothers ring, his wedding ring, my brother was due to be wed after winning the war.

His wife, Mary, she uh, she couldn't handle the grief. Mary is buried right next to my brother, both hopefully together in the after life. These past years I've been alone actually, not even knowing were to start! But thankfully after surching through my brothers things I found codes! Though, they took long, months almost two years to fully decode. Who even knows if I did it correctly oR FUCK! Blinling in shock I realized I was hanging upside down in some kind of hunting trap. "This is very uncomfortable." I laughed forgetting my rambling thoughts. Dropping off my. Bag off to the side so I wouldn't crush it I pulled a dagger out of my boot. "I knew I should have done more sit ups." I whined but what suprised me was laughter coming out of the trees.

"Oh, hello?" I called into the woods before grinning when a handsome man came out one hand on his hip the other holding a cane. From up here he seemed perfectly fine, but you should never assume peoples problems. He also had large and Beautiful black wings that shined in the sun. "Hello mate, what seemed to bring you to my side of this sever?" The man asked comming closer, he was very handsome I repeated to myself. He was little bit above average hight, blonde hair that was kinda long but tied back into a braid. "I'm a traveler!" I proudly announce moving my hands to sit on my hips, it was probably silly because I was still upside down hanging from a tree. "You must be very new to the task." The man teased now moving towards my bag making me frown. "I am, I need to find someone." I answered honestly and the man hummed at my words as he threw my bag over his shoulder.

"Are they in this sever? I think I could help?" The man asked thankfully cutting the rope but gently sitting ne down on the ground. "Rumor has it they are, and if you don't mind! I haven't had company in a long while!"  I grinned putting away my dagger, the man handing me back my bag also smiling. "Me too, my name is Philza but you can call me Phil." I nodded holding out my hand after Phil told me his name. "I'm Y/n! It is a pleasure to have a new friend." And that was very much what Phil was. Before long I actually forgot what I am here for, helping Phil build random things, or garden at some villages. Anything to do with Him I was happily joining along, today we was actually going to his house.

I haven't been there before, normally I would go sleep outsider or in a village. "You space off so much mate." Phil laughed lightly gently tapping me with his cane. I still didn't know the story behind it or his limp but I wasn't going to ask either. I did know that he had a sword hidden inside witch was badass! "Sorry, my mind is always non-stop." I answered bumping my shoulders into his, Phil smiled, though it was slightly sad. "You know, you remind me of an old friend of mine." Phil almost whispered and I looked up at him in a question but before I could ask he pointed to his house. "Look we are here, come on I did promise you lunch didn't I?" Phil easily over took my walking pace, giggling I ran after the said man. "You have a big house." I smiled taking in as much as I could of the kitchen.

"Well, I don't live alone, so it has to be bigger to fit all of us comfortably." Phil answered peeking over the fridge door to smile at me. "Really? You've never talked about them." I pouted at Phil taking a seat at the island that sat in the middle of the nicely sized kitchen. "You never asked." Phil cheekily replied wiggling his eyes brows at me. "Okay well now I'm asking, they have names Philly cheesecake?" I teased him with the stupid nickname I gave him weeks ago, Phil loved it to chunks, laughing loudly before he answered. "Wellll, the first to live with me is Technoblade, Then Wilbur, and lastly Tommy." Phil explained clearly trying to hide something but I chose to ignore it for now.

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