Oink Oink loser (Philza)

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(A new Piglin Joins the sever. So you are Technoblade's Older sister... lmao this is found family and loving Phil)

"I'm suprised you've shown up." Dream grinned at me, he was relaxer back in a chair as he eyed me up and down. "I owe you a favor, and you called upon it." I didn't bother to hide my sneer, it just made Dream laugh loudly. "Good Girl, let's walk and talk, yeah?" Dream Grinned easily opening himself to an suprised attack, and yet I followed with my hands at my sides. "You're asking a lot over a couple of gifts." I sighed as we both looked over 'Manburg' or so Dream said it was named. "You can even kill who ever you wish when war breaks." Dream cooed making me roll my eyes as I shoved my hands in my pockets. "Let's go meet this, Wilbur."

The man stood in front of me was very familiar, I had definitely seen or met him before. Wilbur was smiling but I could tell it was mostly fake ad he looked between Dream and I. "You said you needed even more back up. She is the one person who I cannot best." I could hear the bitterness in his voice, I bit back a smile at that and the Shock on Wilbur's face. "Dream you are much too modest! You beat me once when you was 10 and you was begging for me to let you win." I was in my 20s by then, God I was 33 now fuck I'm old. That had startled a Laugh out of Wilbur and he relaxed and held his hand out towards me. "Pogtopia would love to have you on our side." Wilbur smirked at me, and now I saw the red dance in his eyes, I returned it clapping my hand into his.  "I'm happy to help."

"Who the fuck are you?" A blond teenager snapped at me after Wilbur had shown me around the base. I chose to ignore him as I looked down at Wilbur raising an eyebrow at him. "No wonder you needed me if you have him on your side." Wilbur laughed in suprise and the child on the other hand turned red in anger. Cusses rolling out of his mouth as some kind of prayer, pointing his finger up at me. "Whats your name kid?" I asked smiling at him, and it actually made him pause staring at me before he crossed his arms stubbornly. "Why should I tell a pig like you?" The boy snapped making me roll my eyes, I was glad Technoblade never had his attitude. "Tommy Y/n is here to help us." Wilbur chided his, soldier? Friend? I wasn't so sure what the relationship was but they were clearly fond of each other. "Doesn't matter we have the blade." The boy scoffed then stalked off, the nickname of some man also sounded so familiar.

"Tommy will warm up to you in no time, it will be even quicker if you help him get up to no good." Wilbur explained and I nodded and this time Wilbur lead to me to his room/ office to explain the whole war.

"I'm Niki, you must be Y/n right?" A very short girl smiled up at me, she had Pink hair. "I am." I offered my own smile to the girl wondering what was her role in this place. "I'm just guessing but you've probably had a long a trip, would you like some lunch?" Niki smiled but I could sew how nervous she was from the way she played with her fingers. "That sounds lovely Niki, thank you so much." It was sweet how she lit up like a firework from me just agreeing to join her for lunch. It was also nice to see everyone else who was apart of Pogtopia. So it was Wilbur, Niki, Tommy, Fundy, Ponk, and I was told we was missing three people. Tubbo was a spy working for the other side to get info, smart. Quackity was the same but he was the vise so he got even better information, but two of them incase someone got caught. Lastly was that Blade guy that was doing his rounds to make sure everything was still safe.

Lunch and Dinner was very good to feel out roles between everyone. Wilbur was the leader, Tommy was his left hand man and brother. Fundy was Wilbur's son, he collected most of the things along side Ponk. Lastly Niki kept everyone in check and made sure everyone was fine and healthy. Wilbur explained that I would be training Tommy on my free time, witch would be plenty until the battle. "Okay, what is your go too during a battle." I asked Tommy, I was standing and the Teen on the other hand was laying down on the cold floor glaring at me. "I'm perfect with a bow." Tommy snapped at me and I nodded as I tugged out a paper. "We'll start there then, then hand to hand, then with swords and if we have time anything else you'd want to learn." I explained and I rolled my eyes at the way Tommy groaned loudly. "Alright show me what you Got." I waved to Tommy after I had set us up a room for just us to train in. I mean others could too but I ment it for Tommy and I. Tommy wasn't that bad actually, it was way better than I was expected. "Good, Good," I started off with watching the boy get smug with a grin on his face. "But, you are way too tense, and you need to spread your legs more..." It was funny to watch as I listed the things he was doing wrong, it was like I was telling him his whole family died.

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