Still Loving You 3

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(Very important to read the A/N at the bottom!!!!) Warning: vague talk about, uh, basically suicide but not really? Thought I should warn you anyway 🤞

While working at the Gas Station at the very edge of the town. We went through a lot of things. Like how I was shot in the bicep a week ago. Or how Jerry was possessed by a nice and fun ghost girl named Rio. It was always a mixed bag, honestly, of what was going to happen next. We, Jack, Jerry, Techno, and I were all trained to be ready to take on about everything. Today, or well, it was 30 minutes past 6, Jack just got off of his dinner break. We worked the day shift, and Techno would be taking the night shift in an hour. Jack sat behind the counter. It was becoming the warm summer days and evenings. Jack's long, wavey black hair just touched his back. It was pushed back out of his face. Eyebags are still dark as ever, for once Jack wore shorts that showed off his one pale leg and the other his prosthetic leg. I came when he still had a leg, sure in a huge white cast. Jack was in a navy blue shirt that seemed too large for his frame. For a moment, I wondered if he accidentally grabbed something of Jerry's. "You're staring." Jack's green eyes peeked up over his eyebrows, and one strand of hair fell down his forehead. "I was thinking," I began trying to cover my tail. Jack fully looked now, tilting his head to the side. "When was the last time you've been out of this town for something fun?" I asked, I wondered how long I had been staring for Jack the obvious to notice.

Jack made a face before he answered my question. "Early teens," Jack answered his finger, laying between the pages of his book. "That is extremely sad." Jack sputtered, and I laughed as he tried to defend himself. The door chimed, and we both looked to see Techno waving to us both. "Tell you what, dress nice. I'll pick you up at noon tomorrow." I grinned at Jack ruffling his wild hair. "What!?" Jack yelled, and I laughed, going down the hall to clock out for the day. "What did you do to the man?" Techno asked, watching me type in my code on the machine. "Nothing." I sang Techno who chuckled at me and waved me goodbye. Not caring too bad about what I had said to our boss. "Y/n!" Jack called as I passed him to leave out the front door. "Noon Jack." I pointed, walking out the front doors and smiling at the tired man.

Well, here was noon, and I was pulling up to Jack and Jerry's apartment. I was a few minutes early I've gotten better as I got older, but I always tended to be chronically early to things. "Well, look what the cat dragged in," Jerry called. I looked out my rolled-down car window to see the said man come jogging lightly from the sidewalk. "Hey yourself sexy." I giggled Jerry was holding a bag from the pet store. Jerry was wearing a neon pink crop top with a frog on the front and booty shorts. Mood. "Heard you and Jack were going out? By the way, that skirt looks great on you." Jerry smiled, leaning onto the side of my car to speak to me easily. I wore a demi skirt with pink roses printed all over it and a pastel blue flowy button-up shirt. "Thank you, and yes, the poor man hasn't left the town in years. Next time, I'll be sure to drag you along." Jerry laughed, tucking back some of his loose hair out of his face, most of it pulled back in a ponytail. "You better, how about a water park? I haven't been to one of those before!" Jerry grinned, and I easily agreed, glancing to see Jack approaching my car. "See you later, have fun at work in a few hours." Jerry laughed, and I smiled as Jerry leaned down to kiss my cheek. "Be safe," I told Jerry, who waved stopping to compliment Jack, then kept his pace up to the apartment.

"Excited?" I asked Jack once he had gotten into my car. "Sure, let's go with that." Jack teased, sending me a grin before clicking his seatbelt together. Jack, to my pleasant surprise, did dress up well with what he had to work with. Jack wore a red polo shirt. I'd bet money he didn't even know he had and a pair of dark brown shorts. I was surprised normally Jack hid his prosthetic when many others were theirs to see. "Do I get to know what we are doing?" Jack asked fingers, playing with a book in his lap. I must have missed when I was taking in his outfit. "Nope, it's a surprise." I wiggled my fingers at Jack, who smiled and rolled his eyes. Then we were off, Jack could read at any time and anywhere. So as I drove down the highway, Jack read his book. My music was playing maybe too loud, singing along loudly. Both of our windows were down, and Jack's hair was whipping in the wind. I felt a little bad he did bother to brush it, and the wind was messing it up. Turning down the music to a respectful amount so I could talk and be heard. "You want a hair tie?" I asked, checking my mirrors before glancing at Jack. "Have one?" Jack asked, pushing his hair out of his face with one hand and the other keeping his page in his book.

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