the Huntress (Vanoss x reader)

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Hey I'm really sorry if this isn't the best, over half of it was deleted and then I couldn't work on it for a few days, sorry if it seems like two different ideas or something. Mafia au.))

Trigger warning murder and violence

"Are you done yet?" I cocked my gun as I pointed it to the last man. "Yes." I smirked as I pulled the trigger watching his brain matter splat again the dead end of the alley way. "Good, you'll find your money in your account in a few minutes. It's always a pleasure Huntress." The line went silent as I turned to the fire escape, it was easier to move around the city from roof tops. I was around 4 blocks away when I heard the cop cars pass down below probably going to the death sight. Poor bastards should have know better than work for Fitz he never liked keeping dead weight on his part of town. Fixing my Rabbit mask that fully covered my face, I always liked the idea of of the pray killing the hunters.

We lived in Raccoon city, a town ran by three large Mafia bosses and other powerful men. First we have the Misfitz, they run the northern part of the city. They were dirty, and cold even for the Mafia. I'll rarely work for them unless I knew it was a clean and simple job. Next we have Lunch club they were way better than the Misfitz, mostly didn't hear about them often. They run the western, most of the citys docks. They didn't ask for my help offen but it was always fun when they did, Mr. King always had a fun sense of humor. Lastly we had team 6, a bunch of weirdos strung together in the best way possible. They ruled the south and the little bit of docks Lunch club didn't. They asked for my help the most, and also asked me to fully join them the most.

It was bad enough that they got Terrorizer to join them. Terrorizer was also an neutral assassin like me, that was untill he fell in love with one of the boys under Vanoss. Moo snukel I think he went by, I haven't seen Terrorizer sense. Although I won't lie, I do have a soft spot for team 6 not just because of Terrorizers suposblely joining them. Vanoss their leader was absolutely stunning, god I wouldn't mind working under that man if you caught my drift. Smiling at my own thoughts I made my way too my home in the east.

The East was the slums of the city, poor people and petty criminals lived here. No one really looked at this part of this town, cops or other wise no one to wanting to claim it sense it would be a waste of money and men. Tucking my gun in the waist of my pants I buzzed into my apartments. "Your home late again (Y/n)." I smiled at my land lord Lui, an ex assassin. He gave up the life after he found Nogla, an old war doctor who helped the poor for little to no money. I played cards with them on slow days for everyone.  "and don't forget rent is due next week." Lui reminded me with a sturn look before sending me a soft grin. "Yeah, you know how work is. And yeah I'll pay you in the morning when I get up Lui." I sent him a tired smile as I made my way up the stairs.

Falling onto my Couch with a moan of relief. I felt my knees ache from the constant stress of running or crouching. "God your old." Rolling onto my back I glared at Kryoz, or John. My roommate who was one of the last assassins I trusted other than his boyfriend Smitty. "Yeah well you run after crouching for three hours wise guy." I grumbled as I made room for John to sit down. We both sat in a comfortable silence as I almost drifted to sleep. "You know I saw him." John suddenly spoke up making me slightly jump in my dazed mindset. "Who?" I grumbled as I sat up, "Terrorizer, he was so happy with his arm around someones waist who I'm assuming was Moo snukel."

I grumbled as I crossed my arms "I wish he'd get over his honeymoon phase and at least visit us, just to let us know he was was alive and okay." I felt John rub my shoulder. "I know, I think your just going to have to take a job and maybe work a visit into the deal." John understood why I was so Keen on seeing Terrorizer again. Terrorizer saved my life back when I was younger, he may have been an assassin but he had morals. He took me under his wing and we both became the best of the best to order for help. "Yeah, thank you John, this is why I keep you around." I chuckled as John stood up sending me one last look before disappearing into his room. God I was going to risk my reputation for this stupid man, No my last bit of family I thought as I went to my own room to go to bed.

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