Out Of Touch 2

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( Important note at the bottom, don't worry it's nothing too bad(?))

"Are you absolutely sure you want to leave?" I asked for the, who knows but Even I was annoyed by my own question. "Yes mom." Wilbur snapped at me but then sighed as he looked at Tommy who was giving him a dirty look. "I'm sorry, it's not everyday your children leave the nest, remember I was even worse with Technoblade." I teased as I brought Wilbur to me, the boy grown to stand face to face with me. Technoblade was the tallest at a daunting 7'4 then Wilbur with a 6'5 three inches smaller than I. Tommy was still growing but he was 5'7 the Shortest out of everyone Phil being 5'10. "You'll send letters every week, right?" I asked as I let my eldest go, Wilbur gave me a soft nod, agreeing with my hopes. "You'll visit us too? Like you do Technoblade?" Tommy asked as I tugged him into his own hug now, memories of before he could even walk in my mind. "Absolutely, God to have this old house all alone." I breathed, as I stared at two young but very capable boys infront of me.

"Sometimes I think your the bird hybrid with all of your brooding." Wilbur teased and I laughed, because they were right I always cared so much. "I love you both so much, never forget it. I'd go to war for both of you I promise." Who knew it was a promise that would be true all too soon. "If I knew you was going to come here to brood on me I would have told you to go find dad." Techno mused trying to hide his smile as I cook him dinner. In Hypixel, he did a lot of fighting and such and Technoblade did amazing! So much so they gave him a nice apartment to live in, it was nice. It had two beds, one bath, a kitchen, living room and three closets, one that we turned into a laundry room.

"Hush, I know you missed me." I teased, I always tried to visit once a months but sometimes we get busy. The past three months I've been trying to teach everything I could possibly well could too Tommy and Wilbur for there trip in the real world. "I dunno." Technoblade joked and I flicked water at him out of my cup, Technoblade laughed. I ended up staying with Technoblade, letters from the boys and Phil were nice. Phil was making something in the neither and the boys were with Dreams friends in his land he claimed. Along side living with Technoblade I ended up fighting much like Technoblade. Soon enough two names echoed, words of warriors who could take down 20 people with one arm. The blood God and The thunder God. Technoblade got his name from well his chant of blood for the blood God, the voices he had. Then Mine from my finishing move always sounded like a clap of thunder from the pure force. Thankfully the Actual God of thunder I asked him and he didn't care, he said it was funny and it got him more worshippers even if it was accidental.

"That doesn't sound good." I sucked my bottom lip in between my lips as I read the letter Wilbur sent Technoblade. War, some things have happened points Wil or Tommy forgot to tell. "You think they are safe?" I whispered as Wilbur spoke of living in a ravine, a group of people along side them. "For now, they are asking for our help so it's clearly serious. You know how much Wilbur hates asking for help." Technoblade explained as he sat the paper down, looking up at me from were he was sitting. "Your help, he hasn't sent me a letter yet and I wasn't addressed in yours." Technoblade looked down at the letter and shrugged as he stood up, clapping his hand on my shoulder. "Let's pack, and good, who knows when we'll be back." I nodded and squeezed Technoblade's hand before we headed to our rooms to pack our bags.

"It's, kinda creepy." I mumbled to Technoblade, yeah Wilbur gave us the cords on the letter but I wanted to see Manburg. "Its very quiet." It was, we could see people here and there but it was clear no one was happy to be here. "Let's go, clearly we should have been called sooner." I mumbled and thankfully no one stopped us or probably even saw us. "Wilbur." I called the boy and Tommy turned around at my voice along other faces I didn't know. "Y/n, Technoblade." Wilbur greeted and I filched in suprise from my name instead of mom. "Mom!" Thankfully Tommy didn't share that feeling as he ran into my arms. "Hi Theseus." I smiled kissing the crown of his head, Technoblade joined Wilbur. "My son, what has happened?" I breathed as I took in Tommy, New scar's on his face and arms.

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