We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed (Wilbur soot)

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(Ur a vampire harry, just got my Spotify wrapped it called me mentally ill in like 5 ways LOL) happy holidays homies

I crossed my legs at my ankles. Fingers playing with the handle of my umbrella. Not caring for the way my legs were being rained on. It was mid afternoon, I had ended up being too early for my college class. It wasn't raining hard, maybe a wink harder than a drizzle. "Your legs are soaked." I looked behind me, a man I hadn't seen before. His steps silent as he came around to stand next to my legs, his own umbrella now covering my legs. "A little rain never hurt." I gave a closed mouth smile, the man hummed staring at me for a few moments. "I suppose not." The man agreed, his eyes finally looking away from me. "What are you doing anyway?" The man asked and this time I took it as my turn to stare at him. The man was tall, definitely over 6', brown curled hair with white money pieces in his hair. He was extremely pale, his eyes a hickory brown, a few moles on his face, as well a sad beginning of a beard on his chin. His ears were pierced, three in a row all studs on both sides but one on his left ear, the first was a golden dangling earing with a green jem on the bottom. He wore a black sweater with long brown pants, black boots, and a brown trench coat. His umbrella matched his outfit, it was a dull brown. "Too early for my college class, you?" I answered adding my own at the end. The man seemed delighted that I had answered him, switching what hand held the umbrella. "So am I, what do you take?"

"Whats your name?" I asked rather than answered. The man blinked before smiling at me his own closed lipped smile. It was a warm smile, clearly he seemed amused. "Wilbur, Wilbur Soot, you are?" Wilbur held out his hand that was covered my a sleek glove I had missed during my staring contest. "Y/n L/n." I gently shook his hand and that was apparently all I needed to do. Wilbur had taken a seat on the went bench next to me, not even batting an eye at the wetness. "So? What do you take?" Wilbur prompted, his arm laying on the bench behind my shoulders. "Painting Photography, Amongst other things. You?" I've been to many colleges over the years taken many, many classes. Art lately, I've been taking a hand in, besides I've had many years to practice. "Music theory and song writing, amongst other things." Wilbur quoted me, I laughed finally pulling my legs away from the rain. "I'm suprised I haven't seen you before, Soot." I vaguely teased, but if we had met before to his defense I don't make it a habit to know faces. "I'm wounded, such a beautiful woman as yourself, I suppose that's correct." Wilbur paused for dramatic affect, holding his hand up to his chest over his heart.

"Is this how you pick up girls?" I asked raising my eyebrow at the man. Wilbur pouted batting his eye lashes at me. "You wound me, I was hoping it would work." Wilbur joked leaning back, I chuckled rolling my eyes. "Good to know you were testing your skills, they were okay." I teased as Wilbur acted like he had been shot, pulling an actual giggle out of my mouth. "So cold, I knew I shouldn't talk to a weirdo activity getting their legs wet." Wilbur poked at me with his words, grinning at me with perfect white teeth. "Ha ha, well this has been fun, but I must got to class. Find me again and I just may give you my number." I stood turning back to Wilbur who tilted his umbrella up so he could see me. "Is that a promise?" Wilbur asked twirling his umbrella sending a couple droplets at me. "You'll find out, won't you?" I grinned before waving goodbye, heading out of the Park. Hearing Wilbur call his own goodbyes behind me. "You were almost late." My class friend smiled at me, like he always seemed to do, he was the oldest in the class, but didn't seem to mind. "Oh Philza minecraft, for a strang man was hitting on me." Phil at first laughed at the way I always added on mine to his last name. Before he blinked and stared at me, wide blue eyes full of concern. "Are you okay?" Phil asked as I sat next to him pulling out my supplies for the day. "Yeah, his name was Wilbur, he was handsome but a little dorky." I waved Phil off who nodded along, his stuff was already out and ready.

"So he wasn't being a creep?" Phil asked tilting his head like a puppy would, a cute habit of his. "Yes Phil, I was being dramatic, how has your morning been?" I asked listening to Phil speak of his two boys Techno and Wil. "Okay everyone, we are working on people, I want everyone to paint someone that you know that isn't in this class." Ah shit. Being old like me, I didn't quite make friends, well other than Phil and I couldn't paint him. "I want details, full body, so you have three months. Today I'll show past examples and pass out papers listing exactly what I want." The teacher called powering up her board. I cussed the whole time in my head. After the presentation basically we had probably 10 minutes left at the class. "Who are you going to paint?" I asked Phil who made a face at me. "I can't pick between the boys." Phil looked genuinely upset at the mental struggle. "Techno, Wil has a large ego." I answered for Phil who busted out laughing, cheeks turning pink. "Who are you painting?" Phil asked once he had calmed down from his laughter. "No idea." I sighed putting away my thing that we ended up not using today. "Well you have time mate!" Phil smiled brightly, as if he was the sun himself, I couldn't help but look.

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