It Started With A Mixx (sbi)

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(Please for the love of everything, go read/listen to 'Tales from the Gas station' by Jack Townsend. Mr creepypasta on YouTube does a great reading of it btw. This is very inspired by it 💫) IMPORTANT NOTE AT THE BOTTOM

My name wasn't important. Hell, I didn't even wear my name tag anymore. And if I do it's the one I requested and to my surprise they sent it. The simple name tag read 'Crack-cocaine' no one has noticed or said anything yet. I worked in a gas station. In the thick of the south, deep in the wood where many were born to live and die there. No one ever leaves. Well, no one, for the most part, some do but they return after a while. I worked at a gas station about 20 minutes away from the nearest town. It wasn't up to code by any means. But no one complained about that either. I had two coworkers, Jack and Jerry. They both lived together in town. Normally Jerry was working with us, never working at the gas station alone. Not for a bad reason, Jerry just hated working alone. Speaking of the man. "Jerry, what are you working on?" I asked looking up from the page of doodles I've been working on. The blond looked up from where he was sitting over at the table by the window. "A Mousekatool for later!" Jerry chirped his blue eyes twinkling in unspoken joy. "In general or to mess with Jack." All I had gotten was a wink in return for this question and I smiled back down at my paper.

The Gas Station in itself was a weird fuckery. See, weird unexplainable things happen here. Shit, you can even dream of. But Jack, Jerry, and I seem to be the only employees that don't. How to put this gently? Die, disappear, or go insane. Anywho. At this point, I wouldn't work anywhere else. Even if I only had 4 toes at this point and too many scars then I could count. This afternoon was surprisingly easy. Rocko and his gang only got three packs of cigarettes this time. Rocko and his gang are raccoons, uh, very Mutated(?) Raccoons. Smart little fuckers. And Rocko is way too big for a raccoon. Chatted with the bathroom Cowboy, with only a little bit of screaming from the vents. Overall a pretty good day I do say so myself! When the bell for the door chimed I couldn't help but glance. Jack ignores the door and I don't blame him, but I always have a habit of looking. At least when it's still daylight out. They were not local, glancing at the time I made a confused Humm. "Yo," I greeted a blond man with three following him. The spoken three were in some kind of argument. The blond was the only one who seemed to hear me, I got a smile as he ditched the others to come up to the counter. Fuck.

"Hey," the man paused looking at my name tag, it was Jerry's today because he wanted my Crack-cocaine one. To my surprise, he seemed to take it with stride. "Jerry, can I ask you for some directions?" Now that he was closer I could tell he was older, not overly but middle-aged. "Sure captain, where are you and the gang going?" The man laughed and it was a nice sound, I glanced to make sure the three weren't stealing. They stopped fighting and all went to different parts of the station. "Uh, a town called Grayson?" The man turned his Phone towards me and I grimaced in my head for the man. "Have family there?" I prompted before there was the sound of something being dropped everyone in the store looked at the tall skinny blond who seemed to be the youngest who dropped a slushy. "Jerry, can you grab a mop?" I called watching the man spring into action with a jump and a dramatic chop in the air with his hand. "Anything you wish beautiful." I chuckled at the man before turning back to the man in front of me. "No, we just moved!" He smiled and I nodded returning it as watched Jerry usher the blond away from the mess. "Really? We needed some fresh faces, you'll see us in town too." I added to be polite as the tallest of the group with long pink hair spoke softly with the blond.

"It's great to meet a neighbor already! I'm Phil, and the tallest with pink hair is Technoblade, the middle tallest with brown hair is Wilbur, and then Tommy." I didn't know if they'd survive this town they seemed too nice and soft. "I'm Y/n that's Jerry and our last coworker is Jack." I leaned back to point to a framed Picture I made Jack put up of all three of us. "Your name tag?" Phil asked and I grinned winking at the man before the middle child Wilbur came to join us. "Father." He set a Pepsi and a bag of powdered doughnuts on the counter. "Wilbur, this is Y/n and she lives in town." This made the Burnette stare me down, he had weird streaks of white in his hair. They weren't money pieces or highlights. "Your name tag is wrong," Wilbur announced and I shrugged before looking over his side to see Jerry talking to the pink hair one who seemed very overwhelmed. "Jerry baby can you go clean the mop you know how Jack gets when you forget to do it." That got a thumbs-up and a dramatic twirl and strut to the back. The pink one sent me a great full look and I nodded to him. Now the blond joined us this time with a slushy that wasn't on the floor. "Anyone school-age?" I asked the blond raised his hand and I nodded turning to Phil. "Home school him. Anyway, once you go to leave here take a right go straight, and bam you are in town. Takes about 20 minutes." I finally gave the directions Phil had originally asked for in the first place.

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