"Of course I know, babe. I trust you..." Luca whispered as he stood on his tip toes and kissed Aidan deeply on the lips. 

"Then... Why did you say all those things?" Aidan's voice cracked, as Luca brushed his cold cheek lovingly with his soft knuckles.

"I didn't mean them, babe. I'm sorry if I hurt you, I just needed it to seem believable. I needed them to think they'd won." Luca started with a sigh. "You're one of the most transparent people I know, it's one of the things I love most about you. I was going to keep you in the dark to make it all seem believable, but when I looked down into your eyes I... I couldn't do it. I couldn't hurt you like that..."

"Do you actually believe those things you said?" Aidan asked sharply, a look of hurt omnipresent in his bright blue eyes.

"I did at some point." Luca admitted honestly with a sigh. "It crosses my mind from time to time, but I trust you and I love you. I trust you, because I love you. With all my heart and soul."

"I would never hurt you..." Aidan said softly. "I would never cheat on you... You know that right?"

"I know." Luca continued with a sigh. "Gio and Colton did this... Gio drugged you, paid some freshman girl to make it look like you were cheating. Then Colton came and told me Gio was waiting for me in that room."

"He basically just admitted to it inside too..." Aidan said coolly, snaking his arms around Luca's waist and pulling him in. "I'm so sorry baby." Aidan's voice cracked slightly as tears began to stream down Luca's cheek. He had so many emotions inside him from heartbreak, to anger, to confusion, to even more anger. It was all too much for him. "I'm sorry this happened to us. I'm sorry you had to deal with this baby. I'm so fucking sorry. I'm sorry I lost my temper with you today, I'm just..."

"Right." Luca cut him off. "You're completely right. I shouldn't have ghosted you like that... It was wrong. And for that I'm truly, truly sorry..."

"I understand why you did it now..." Aidan admitted with a sigh. "Do you think it could get worse than this?"

"Oh, one hundred percent." Luca said matter-of-factly, with a defeated look in his amber eyes. "But we'll fight through it. For each other..."

"What are you going to do about Gio?" Aidan asked him with a furrowed brow.

"The Lord will handle him..." Luca said bleakly as his eyes glazed over, clearly deep in thought.. The Lord would handle him, but not before Luca Greco had the chance...

    The next afternoon Luca gazed into the mirror letting a forced exhale out as he closed his eyes to collect his thoughts. His eyes were reddened and puffy from hours of forced crying. He smirked evilly as he stared at his perfectly sad looking face. Giovanni Greco is going to get a taste of his own medicine, and Luca was going to be the one prescribing it.

He grabbed the tray of Pasta alla Norma that he had just made off the kitchen counter and walked out the side door of his house. He confidently stripped towards Gianna and Gio's house next door and rang the door bell, making sure he looked as sad and broken as possible when Gio opened the door.

"Good morning!" Gio said cheerily, so cheerily that Luca almost wanted to deck him in the smug face. "You okay? You look sad..."

"I'm fine..." Luca said with a pathetic sniffle. "I made lunch, thought maybe we can all eat together..."

"You didn't go to mass?" Gio asked with a cocked eyebrow as Luca sighed again, shaking his head. "Well it's just us two, the rest of them went to Mass..." Luca acted surprised though he wasn't surprised at all.

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