Chapter 29

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The next day was rough for Luca and Aidan. Videos of the two football players coming to rescue their "friend" on the rival cheerleading team went viral on the internet, but reviews were mixed to say the least. Most found it heartwarming, while others found it be a staged ploy to seek attention. The good thing that gave Luca a slight sense of relief was that nobody thought it was anything romantic or deep in the slightest.

    That is, except for Gio. Gio seemed distant from Luca when he drove Luca and Gianna home after the game. He stayed silent most of the night until they got back to their houses, and he finally plucked up the courage to look Luca in the eyes and say, "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

    For the first time Luca felt the weight behind that one phrase that he had heard Gio say at least twelve times in the past week. For the first time he considered that perhaps Gio knew more than he let on. Perhaps Luca wasn't as good at reading his cousin as he had assumed. Naturally Luca denied there being anything he was keeping from him, but he couldn't help but notice a look of deep disappointment in the taller boys eyes.

    Luca got at least five missed calls from Aidan after the game, but he didn't know what to say to him. He ignored them and figured he'd just deal with it in the morning. Things have a way of fixing themselves after a good night's sleep, or at least that's what his Nonna always told him. Though he highly doubted that would apply in this case. He felt guilty. If it wasn't for him, Aidan would have won.

"Ela re, Markaki mou! Ante pame!" (Come on, my little Marco! Let's go!) Luca screamed from the bottom of the stairs as he heard his little six year old brother bounding around upstairs, gathering his things, and stomping down the stairs. He has a disgruntled, tired look on his face as he lugged his red and blue school backpack.

"Why do we have to go?" Marco said with a huff, crossing his arms over his chest adorably.

"You're going to play with Emma." Luca said sweetly, ruffling his little brother's shiny black hair. He really did look a lot like Luca, and much to everyones dismay, was borderline psycho just like him too.

"I don't like Emma." Marco groaned, making Luca smack him upside the head.

"Play nice with Emma, piccolino, she's a nice girl." Luca said, teasingly scolding his little brother.

"Girls are gross." Marco said making an adorable little grimacing face.

"Sure buddy. Now go on, get in the car, we'll be late." Luca chuckled, ruffling the boy's soft straight hair as Marco dragged his feet out the door and towards the driveway.

    Luca drove across town and across the bridge towards Aidan's house. It wasn't long before they found themselves outside his door, ringing the doorbell and waiting for the door to open. Luca and Aidan had planned this little play date to make Emma and Marco better friends.

At gymnastics, Marco would always mess with Emma, shoving her, pulling on her ponytail and just overall being mean to her. Luca had already chewed him out multiple times for it, but they figured it was time to force them into friendship. Well Luca did, Aidan thought it was a terrible idea.

"Hey." Luca said sheepishly as he saw the wooden door creak open to reveal Aidan wearing grey joggers and a Hilldale Football t-shirt. His hair looked messy but damp, as if he had just gotten out of the shower, but his face seemed less than pleased to see Luca.

"Oh hello." Aidan said with a tightlipped smile. "I didn't think you were coming. Maybe if you answered the phone, I'd have known." He said with snark, before crouching down to little Marco's eye-level. "Hi buddy, you must be Marco. I'm Aidan." He smiled warmly, extending a hand to the little boy.

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