Chapter 2

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"YOU DIDN'T?!" Gianna gasped, as her cousin sat completely silent, avoiding all eye contact. "YOU TOTALLY DID!" She said with a maniacal laugh. "MIO DIO (MY GOD), Gio is going to KILL you when he finds out."

"YES. YES HE WILL. Which is why NOBODY can EVER know. Especially not Gio." Luca said frustratedly, shuddering at the thought of his cousin, Gianna's twin brother, Gio ever finding out about his little one night stand with Aidan fucking Taylor.

Gio is the quarterback for the Crenshaw High Spartans, so naturally his rivalry with Aidan was something else entirely. Though Luca never really understood it in the first place, it was what it was. Spartans and Raiders don't mix, they're like oil and water; or more like bleach and ammonia, an utter disaster.

"Well?! Tell me everything! How was it?!" She asked him excitedly, clearly living for the drama.

"I don't remember much..." He drawled, wincing in embarrassment. "Or well... Anything, really..."

"LUCA! What do you mean?! Do you know if he used protection?!" Her expression shifted from teasing to frantic. Luca groaned at the thought of having to answer his cousin, and also at the thought that one of the biggest manwhores in the county might have neglected to use protection. "YOU HAVE TO GET TESTED." She screeched at him. "God only knows where all he's been."

"Cavolo, Gianna, lo so! (Damn, Gianna I know!) I'll figure that out myself okay, can we just not talk about it. And stop screaming, you're giving me a headache." Luca cried out as held his head in frustration.

"You gave yourself the headache with all that tequila last night." She snapped at him sassily. "Just go fucking get tested, okay?"

"Perdio!" (For God's sake!) Luca groaned at her, burying his face in his palms.

"Oh yeah, almost forgot. Nonno needs extra help tonight at the restaurant. Are you free to pick up a shift?" Gianna asked blankly as Luca groaned in agony at the thought.

"No." Luca said flatly, as if it actually made a difference.

"Let me rephrase that. Nonno needs extra help tonight at the restaurant, you are free to pick up a shift." Gianna said snappily.

"Ugh fine." Luca rolled his eyes and gave in grudgingly, it wasn't like he could get out of it. He liked helping his Nonno and Nonna  at the family restaurant, don't get him wrong. But today wasn't exactly the best day for it.

"Great. Drink a Pedialyte and suck it up. You're an adult now, you can vote and buy lottery tickets and shit." Gianna replied, lightly ruffling Luca's hair with one hand while clutching the steering wheel with the other. It wasn't long before Gianna drove them back across town and pulled into her drive way.

"Thanks, Gia, I seriously owe you." Luca whispered gratefully as he climbed out of her car.

"You're welcome! Go take an ibuprofen. And take a shower, you look like you were brought back from the dead." Gianna teased, blunt as she always was.

"Haha. Funny." he deadpanned as he crossed her yard and into his own. Yes, they lived next door to each other, and their Nonna and Nonno (Grandma and Grandpa) lived on the other side of Luca's house.

To say that Luca's family was close was an understatement. It started when their Nonna and Nonno immigrated from a small village in Sicily a few years before Luca's Papà and his aunts and uncles were born. Now their whole extended family unit included at least thirty people in Crenshaw County alone with even more in New York City. And that's only Luca's Papà's family;  we haven't even gotten to Luca's Mamma's giant Greek-Italian family in Montréal.

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