Chapter 1

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To say that Luca Greco wasn't a morning person was the understatement of the century. He absolutely despised mornings with a burning passion. Now make it the morning after a long night of drinking, dancing, and partying, and you've got yourself an instant recipe for Luca's worst fucking nightmare.

Luca groaned as he felt the warm reddish glow of the sun beaming over his closed eyelids. He struggled to slowly open his eyes, only to be blinded by the bright sun hitting his face through the window pane.

"Minchia!" (Damn!) he cursed under his breath as he grudgingly propped himself up on his side. He groaned as he felt the headache from last night's tequila really starting to hit.

As he looked around him, his surroundings slowly began to come into focus. Wait. WHERE THE HELL AM I?! He thought to himself as the panic started to set in, realizing he wasn't waking up in his own bed. WHY AM I NAKED?! he wondered as he gently lifted the unfamiliar  navy blue sheets that veiled his bare body underneath.

Luca took a deep breath and shut his eyes tight from the sun's unyielding rays penetrating through the windowpane adjacent him; he saw flashes under the sheathes of his eyelid. Flashes of images from the night before; fleeting glimpses of drunken memories amongst the haze of too many shots of Tequila. He let out a soft huff as he grudgingly contemplated whether or not he should look beside him to find out just what, or better yet whom, he did the night before; he certainly remembered what he did. But with whom? That was something that wasn't clear in the fleeting flashes of skin, sweat, and pheromones that he recalled. He knew he had to look; well perhaps he didn't have to, ignorance is bliss after all. 

His eyes still shut tight, Luca turned his head to the left and slowly opened them after taking a deep cautionary breath. Just as he had feared. Right there next to him, clear as day he saw a boy; sleeping soundly on his back with his head turned away from Luca, only leaving an attractive mess of straight blond hair in Luca's line of vision.

Against his better judgement he wearily lifted the sheet that was bunched up at the other boy's waist. Oh... OH WOW, he thought to himself as he quickly dropped the sheet to obscure the boy's rather impressive body.

Luca began to glance around the room, trying to formulate his escape plan. There were textbooks, a backpack, a gym bag, posters of football players, and clothes strewn about on chairs and on the floor; but what he saw next out of the corner of his eye is what would be the proverbial nail in Luca Greco's proverbial coffin, so to speak.

There it was plain as day, haphazardly thrown on a desk chair, a red and white Hilldale High Raiders football jersey. Merda. (Shit.) Luca gasped to himself as he glanced in horror between the jersey and the muscular specimen of man that lay next to him. This is BAD. SO. SOOOO BAD, he internally reprimanded himself as he slowly and carefully got out of the bed, staring at the boy and praying that he wouldn't wake up.

He quietly tiptoed around the room looking for his clothes, and as inconspicuously as he possibly could, slipped each article of clothing on. Phone, wallet. keys. Great. He did a mental check as he patted down the front and back pockets of his skinny jeans before nodding to himself and tiptoeing towards the door.

"Morning." Luca heard a voice that made him jump and trip falling flat on his face. "You... okay?" He heard the rather sexy voice say with a slight chuckle.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine." Luca replied as he picked himself up and dusted himself off, his tanned skin taking on a new bright red hue. He glanced back towards the bed and saw the most gorgeous blue-eyed guy looking back at him with a smirk. "I-I really should... go." Luca said with a polite smile as he walked towards the door with a dazed look on his face; internally wondering why the boy looked so eerily familiar, though he couldn't quite pinpoint where from. He did look a bit disheveled having just woken up, but he still managed to look oddly and strikingly attractive.

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