Chapter 11

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Aidan leant back on the kitchen counter as a few of the boys play beer pong, though he wasn't really paying attention to the game all that much. Aidan's friends all exchanged curious looks as they watched him on his phone, smiling to himself and doing God knows what; but what they didn't know was that he was all too preoccupied with a certain beautiful dark haired boy who had all but taken over his heart, thoughts and even dreams.

For the past week, Aidan and Luca had been texting back and forth almost constantly. They would talk about everything under the sun; from the weather, to classes, to their favorite TV shows and movies. Luca was adamant that they should just stay friends, but Aidan hoped that the longer they talked and the more they got to know each other,  Luca would eventually see in Aidan what Aidan had already seen in him.

Though Luca tried his hardest to resist Aidan's charms, deep inside he didn't truly want to; he felt himself getting more and more attached, just as he told himself not to. His heart simply wouldn't let him fight the feelings he undeniably had for Aidan, though his head stood steadfast against it. Nonetheless Aidan persevered, in a harmless and coercive way. Aidan Taylor was many things, but a quitter wasn't one of them. Not when it came to Luca, and certainly not when it came to finally finding happiness.

"Hey Aidan." Aidan heard a sultry female voice jarring him back to reality; looking to the side to see a blonde girl, presumably a freshman or a sophomore, hanging off of his shoulder.

"Oh um, hey?" Aidan said as politely as he could while brushing her off and away from him.

"You look really good in that t-shirt..." she said teasingly as she flipped her hair and winked at him.

"You know I'm flattered. "Aidan said with an awkward chuckle, lightly coercing her away from him. "But I'm actually seeing someone..."

"THE Aidan Taylor?! Seeing someone!?" She scoffed at him. "As if! Just say you're not interested instead of making shit up." She slurred offendedly before stumbling off.

"Dude, that's the third girl tonight, what's going on with you?" Christian asked concernedly as Endri stared at him with scrutinizing eyes.

"I'm not interested, okay! God, leave me alone!" Aidan muttered irritatedly. "I need some fucking air, it's too hot in here." He said angrily and stormed off towards the patio area in hopes of getting some cool, fresh air.

"I'll come with you." Added Endri, following him out of the kitchen as they both walked away from  the rest of their friend group. "Dude, whats up with you!? Those girls were hot!" Endri slurred while carefully reading Aidan's face.

"Luca said to give him time, so I'm giving him time." Aidan ran his hand through his effortlessly messy blond hair; the slightest tinge of frustration in his voice.

"But you two aren't exclusive, I mean you're not really anything, really. It's not like you've established that you can't fuck other people." Endri said matter-of-factly, still maintaining a watchful eye on his friend, in search of a reaction.

"It still feels wrong to get with anyone else." Aidan countered flatly. "I don't want to do that to him." Endri got just the answer he needed; He smiled and shook his head as he looked down to see a notification on his phone.

"Oh shit um... I actually have to go find someone, I'll meet up with you later, okay!" Endri said as he patted Aidan friendlily on the shoulder, earning him a tight lipped smile from the handsome blond. Endri took off back into the house and into the main living room; maneuvering through the crowd until he was close to the front door. 

"There you are!" Arianna said as she trudged through the sea of tragic freshmen towards Endri; with Luca in tow.

"I need to talk to you two! Let's go upstairs." Endri said grabbing her hand and making a bee-line towards the staircase; forming a three person chain and pushing through the endless mass of drunk gyrating bodies. He made it through to an upstairs bedroom and closed the door as Arianna and Luca just looked at him quizzically; the door only barely sheathing the sound of chatter and heavy bass music outside.

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