Chapter 57: Find me. Seduce me. I want to be in love with you

Start from the beginning

"What is this?" She decided it was better to ask than to wonder where it had come from.

He grabbed her wrist and proceed to slowly push her hand back."It's nothing. Just a battle scar from the old days."

"H-How did you do that?" A lump grew in her throat, making swallowing much more difficult. Her mind tried furiously to search her own memory for an incident she might have witnessed in the past thus, leaving him with that scar, but reached no conclusion.

"Your concern is touching and all, but you don't need to worry about it. It's healed, isn't it? Everything is fine now." He said, guiding her face back to his one more time, and kissing her lips tenderly.

"But I do care--" The words left her mouth the moment he broke the kiss. His hands began to fondle her thighs, pelvic girdle, and belly with tenderness and affection, raising her dress' shirt and traversing it up her torso. She was flabbergasted by his improvising skills, and she was enjoying seeing him trotting out his thoughtfulness for her, her skin slightly prickling under his touch. In reaction, she raised her arms and allowed him to remove them from her body. 

They faced each other naked for what seemed an eternity until he, finally, took initiative. His fingers pulled up the strap of her bra and made it slide down her shoulders and arms, one at a time. His lips lightly touched her breasts, tracing a line of clement kisses just above the bra line before fleeing his hands to her back and down her spine, meaning to unclip it. 

Now completely exposed, she felt conflicted and shy under his gaze; she felt compelled to grab the sheets and cover herself.

The headmaster eyed her with a smirk. He tugged a small hair lock behind the young wizardess' ear and looked at her with those eyes where there was only light and affection bathing in its depth, her heart skipped a beat at the viewing. She smiled innocently at him, running her hands over the muscles of his chest and arms again.

Somehow, that was the moment he chose to caress her cheek with his thumb and compliment her body features, "You're perfect, Aurora."

She caught her breath, feeling a sudden warmth crawling up her neck. Her heart began to pound in her ears, remembering that she was in front of him only in her underwear, and thus blushing even more. Immersed in embarrassment and discomfort, she covered her face with both hands, to hide the fact that she was redder than a tomato.

A soft chuckle came from his direction. He watched her with an amused expression as she peeked between two fingers. She yelped and merged them together again, the sense of being watched aggravating her state. "Please, I don't like it when people stare at me... I feel shy..."

He reached out to her with the single intention of removing her hands from her face when his lips motioned and softly spoke something in her ear. She nodded, feeling her last apprehensions dissipate at once. The only thing that really mattered at that time was being there with him and share a very special moment.

The headmaster opened the top drawer of his nightstand and retrieved a very regular necktie from inside. He gently placed the navy blue necktie over her eyes and, tied an easy knot behind her head before biting lightly onto the skin of her neck. If she could just have the best of both worlds... she groaned, not out of pleasure but pain. He watched her silently as if trying to read a book. But, can anyone really ever understand a book without drowning in it? With that in mind, guided her face again towards him.

They kissed passionately; Aurora held his face in her hands and, Randolph her neck. His tongue caressed hers ardently, and she answered, just as hungry for him. Carried by the same desire, the same irresistible urge, they fell back on the bed. His hands examined her curves, exploring her body in order to know everything about it. They slowly slid down her back, probing, and trying to make her feel cherished and desired. Without him needing to say anything, she felt his desire to satisfy her, to convey all the delicacy in his actions. And in response, every inch of her body vibrated at his interaction.

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