Chapter: 14

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Brandon's P.O.V.

Mrs. Marquez had prepared a filling breakfast. I kept on asking who Evie was in love with but Henry kept on changing the topic. After breakfast, I confronted him head-on.

"You really don't wanna know him," Henry said. "I do. Who is he?" I asked again.

As it turned out, last night, Evelyn had come in to say, "I like your boyfriend, I want him."

"Are you kidding me?" I asked in disbelief. I seriously wasn't able to believe it. Had she not seen me with Henry? "And why didn't you tell her to f**k off?" I asked him. He didn't answer. "Hey! You are seriously not thinking of anything weird, right? I am not a thing, no matter you call me yours, I can't be gifted," I told him off. "No, you won't be forced to like her; probably I'd be forced to leave you," Henry said in a sad tone. "Nobody is leaving anyone! You seriously stood up for me so many times! And now, just because your no-good-whatsoever sister wants me, you are ready to leave me?" I said, my voice strained. "Don't call her no-good-whatsoever. This had been our rule since we met; what she can't have, I can't have," he told me, with a tinge of anger. "Henry, it's up to you now. You decide; me or Evelyn, your boyfriend or your sister, love and freedom or slavery," I said, running out of the room.

I had done a great deal of damage; I knew it.

I paid the cab driver and reached out for the doorbell. I had wiped my tears, and I had a smile on my face, but why did everything seem so off? My mom answered the door.

I went into my room straight away; I didn't have time for more drama. Why does love hurt?

I was playing Candy-Crush on my phone when Leo walked in. "Knocking was invented just for people like you," I told him. "Locking the door was invented for people like you," he answered. It felt better, just to be home. "So what had been my little bro doing the last night, huh?" he asked. I rolled my eyes. "I seriously had a lot of fun with Jane; we'd be going out on a date soon." It hurt to see that the girl my brother was in love with loved him only because she wanted to correct something in her past. "She really doesn't love you, Leo," I said and gave him a briefing of whatever the hell had happened in the past six months.

"You are joking; Henry is not Jane's brother," Leo said after his slow brain processed everything. "That's the only thing that troubles you about this situation?" I asked in disbelief, "She doesn't love you at all! She is great at acting; Kevin was right!"

"Stop. She loves me. That's that," Leo said.

"Can you please open your eyes?" "They are open."

"Why didn't she tell you all of this?" "She wanted to; she was tired."

"Why don't you understand?!" "You don't understand her! Jane, or Edith, is a kind of girl that won't show you that she is shattered; she cried for an hour straight yesterday! In my arms!" he yelled.

"You mean that I don't get her?" Then he looked at me like, 'Duh!"

"She calls me every day! I probably know her better than you do!" I said, exasperated.

Leo was probably about to say something really rude but my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and said, "Speak of the devil." It was Jane Edith Levesque. 

A/N: Showdown time!!! Plus, I m such an idiot. I completely forgot it for like a month. Sorry!!!!

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