Chapter: 6

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Leo's P.O.V.

The Next Day

I should be practicing, but the pool water makes me stink of chlorine for hours. I kept on shouting encouragement while Kevin played on his phone. "Dude, I am the captain and still I am at least encouraging people. What are you doing?" I told him. "I am not helping with anything you do; you are dating my worst enemy: Jane Levesque, so we are not cool," he said. "What the hell? Why do you hate her so much?" I asked. "We should be ruling the school, not her. She thinks too highly of herself. She has an inflated ego," Kevin replied, keeping his phone down. I was not going to hear sh*t about my girlfriend so I grabbed my bag and said, "You mean you hate her guts."

I rang the doorbell. Melania, Jane's head housemaid, answered the door. I don't know if I ever mentioned this, but Jane is filthy rich; richer than anyone I ever met. Her house reeks of money. I put my bag on the couch and went up the stairs, into her room.

She was sitting on the bed, with her laptop propped open on one knee, typing. She had her head tilted to one side, her shoulder holding her phone. She saw me and hung up. She put down her laptop, collected her blonde hair in a bun, and came towards me. "You didn't text me today, about showing up," she stated. I nodded and said that I just wanted to come. She sighed and said, "Wanna ask me something?" "Yeah, why are your eyes aren't purple this time?" She looked at me as if she wanted to kill me for asking such a stupid question, but I have my priorities. "You are an idiot, and I love you for it," she said kissing me.

When she pulled back, she pointed towards her laptop like, "Go have a look at it." I saw the logo first, and then the whole page.

I was dating the CEO of LiveTech, the leading company in technology and games.

I looked at her and managed to find my tongue and say, "Who else knows this in our school?" She shrugged and gave the answer, "Nobody, not that I know of." And since, in our school, a fly can't flap its wings without her permission, so that meant that only I was in on the secret.

"Why did you tell me?" I asked. She smiled, "Because, I thought that you should know, Leonardo Blake."

"Nobody uses my full name, you know," I said. She sat on the edge of the bed and said "I do. But I can't call you Leonardo?" "You better don't; I may not even respond, I don't even know what my mother was thinking when she gave me a mouth-full of a name." "I never met your mother, where is she?" she asked. "Germany, along with dad, where are your parents?"

"Mom is in Paris; dad...gone."

"Oh," I said, thinking what gone meant for her.

"So why are you here?" she asked, while Melania handed me a Cola. "Kevin hates your guts; I can't put up with him or the practice," I answered. "Don't destroy your friendships because of me; I can disappear any time," she said.

"I don't care," I said kissing her, getting the taste of coffee on my tongue.

A/N: I love Leo and Jane. You?

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