Chapter: 11

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Brandon's P.O.V.

"So he simply didn't want to meet me?" Jane asked. I nodded. "That's okay, but no pictures too?" "No."

"He seems mad-shady to me. Why didn't he want to meet me?" She asked for the twentieth time. "I don't know the reason!" I told her.


When I was going out, she told me again that she was sure that Henry was hella suspicious. I rolled my eyes and went out.

To be honest, Henry seemed suspicious. A lot suspicious.

Henry had gone back to Spain for a month, and I was back to my I-am-hella-lonely schedule. We texted and talked, but nothing replaced his sweet kisses.

The school was over that day and I was walking home that day due to Leo and his stupid practices. I don't have practices on Mondays and Fridays. Chris had to stay for some assignment with Tiffany, his girl, so I had to walk home all alone. I walked in my usual zombie-style, completely unaware of the world until someone pulled me off the sidewalk. I was pushed into an alley, I almost fell down, but the person had a strong grip on me. I was about to kick him, but he pushed his hood away from his face and kissed me. It was Henry. I smiled. I had missed that sweet peppermint breath for so long that I was probably craving for it.

As soon as we parted I saw Jane pulling him towards her. I barely had the time to look alarmed, let alone say something. Jane saw his face and stopped herself from whatever she was about to say.

Henry got out of shock sooner, so he said, "You don't know me, I don't know you. Now, Hi, I am Henry Marquez." Jane's mouth was still hanging open. "Um, hello? Jane?" Henry waved his hand in front of her face. Jane grabbed it and looked at it if it were pure gold. Then she said, "How are you alive? How did you pull that fire trick off? Why? Why didn't you contact me?" "Hey," Henry said, pulling his hand free, "Be grateful, you just got freed of the guilt."

"What the hell is going on?" I asked. No one answered.

"I hate you; you are not even my sister anymore," Henry told Jane. If Jane could look more miserable, she did now. It seemed like her whole world came crashing down her. Then it dawned on me too; Henry was Harry, Jane's supposedly dead brother. "You are Harry!" I yelled in realization. "No, I am not Harry. Harry died in that accident," Henry said. "No, you are alive. Harry, come back. Please!" Jane begged.

Now that I see them together, it seriously seemed that they were siblings. No matter how much Henry resembled me, Harry resembled only his sister. Same calm-before-the-storm eyes, same ruffled hair.

God, why didn't I notice it before?

"Jane, I don't-" Henry was cut off by Jane dropping a silence-bomb by saying, "I took your revenge; you were my world, I am so sorry for not becoming what you expected me to be at that time."

"You mean you killed him?" "I ruined him; he committed suicide."

Henry/Harry did the most illogical thing; he ran. Me, being the caring boyfriend I am, followed him.

A/N: Oops. 

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