07. sandwiches

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"Your girlfriend-"

"We aren't dating, oh my fucking god." Jungkook said in exasperation, crossing his arms over his chests. "Everyone needs to not. We are literally best friends."

"Good." Suga said simply and Jungkook threw him a sharp look, treading beside the leader through the halls. How he ended up with the guy alone, he wouldn't ever know, but apparently there was something for him to hear alone.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

They passed by other ex-officers, making Jungkook tense and nervous. He didn't like all the guns in his sights; the dark, ominous lighting chilling him against his will. Along his talk with the base leader, he'd seen all kinds of rooms, storage, sleeping quarters, weapons, food... it just made him even more uncomfortable after all the stories he would hear from Jimin.

"Feelings make things a hundred times more difficult down here." Suga clarified and sighed. "It's why I'm talking to you. Having people you care about in the tunnels can be riskier. It's why zero emotional attachments are created within all of us. You seem like the one who would be the most unwilling to do it."

"What are you talking about?" Jungkook muttered.

"Look, I know you all care about each other, but if it comes down to it, you need to get those kids out."

Jungkook scowled. "Is this about your damn soft spot, because I don't care about-"

"No. It's not." The elder said coldly and Jungkook tensed. "Children cannot be down here. The amount of implications it would create both above and below would be far worse than having any adults trapped."

"I'm making sure we all get out." Jungkook whispered to himself, but Suga heard it.

"Yes, I know. That's your plan. But you are the one, from what I've seen, that will be most unwilling to sacrifice anyone. And you will if you have to."

It wasn't a suggestion or a request. It was a full command and Jungkook suddenly felt sick in his stomach. He couldn't just promise someone he'd spent only hours with that he would sacrifice you and Taehyung for the girls.

In the end, you would even probably make him, but Jungkook didn't even want to make it a viable option.

They were all getting out. They all had to. There was no way Jungkook would ever leave you behind.

"I'm capable of making the right choice." He stubbornly decided to say and stopped walking, Suga turning and gazing darkly at him.

"I sure hope so."


"What did you two talk about?" You asked, chuckling at Jungkook's sour expression once he had returned.

Jungkook tensed and shrugged. "Nothing. Just him being a bitch like usual."

Rolling your eyes, you turned back to Suga, who was speaking to Taehyung. Your brother nodded, marking the end of their conversation too.

"Heechul is going to take us as far as their limits go," Taehyung explained. "Then we use the drawing to find the rest of our way out."

The leader, not willing to give you the original map for obvious reasons, had done a rough drawing of the path you should take. He said to watch out for stampedes and patrols that happen randomly; and the fact that they were random didn't help.

"Don't lose this." You handed the drawn on paper to Jungkook, who would be leading in the front again, all of you deciding that pattern was best.

"I swear on my life." He nodded jokingly and you smiled. "That asshole better stay in his line, though."

don't go underground | jjk ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora