33. bubble gum

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"You're cutting in and out, Jackson," Jimin sighed into the phone. "Where are you?"

"The security camera lab always has shitty connection," the elder groaned. Jimin pursed his lips as he held the device to his ear with shakier hands.

"Right, I remember. It's got such good wired connection that the wireless is screwed." Jimin scoffed and Taehyung nudged him forward, causing them to take cover behind a broad pillar by one of the cargo truck entrances. "Is Mingyu in the cargo bay?"

"Affirmative. Unlocking now."

Jimin watched with sharp eyes as the first garage panel rumbled and slowly rose from its resting state. The gap was opened just enough for someone to crawl under and Jimin grabbed Taehyung's arm to pull him towards it.

Mingyu's shadow was peeking out beneath the small crevice as the two approached, kneeling down and shimmying through the narrow space. Jimin heard Taehyung's breathing hitch with pain from his chest, and he helped the younger pull himself into the delivery garage of the URC.

"Hey, you guys good?" Mingyu asked, slamming the garage panel shut and helping them stand. "Kim Taehyung, woah this is shocking... especially seeing you with Jimin..."

"As I've been told," Taehyung rolled his eyes, pressing down his clothes that were dusted with dirt from the ground. "Now can we get moving?"

"Right." Mingyu sent Jimin a questioning look and the elder shook his head, motioning him to move onwards. The URC worker sighed and shrugged. "So, I'm going to go replace Jackson's spot while he goes to the security office and deactivates locks." Mingyu helped navigate them through in the dark garage, lights specifically shut off for them to get through unnoticed. "Watch your step."

Jimin grabbed Taehyung's hand, both to help find a second body in the clutter of the darkness and just to make sure the younger was okay.

He was relieved to feel Taehyung hold his hand as well.

"Jimin," Taehyung spoke in a hushed manner. "Aren't the cameras going to spot us once we are in?"

"Building's usually closed by now for maintenance." Jimin mumbled. "The security room's on-duty has a forty five minute break so we have to move fast."

"Got it." Taehyung replied, taking a deep breath to release the tension in his body. He had to believe the plan would work.

They dodged multiple stray limbs of boxes and parts, making their way to the far corner of the garage where the entrance into the main URC building stood. Jimin pulled Taehyung along at that point, trusting the silhouette of Mingyu's body ahead greatly.

"Tae," Jimin turned back briefly and squeezed the younger's hand, hardly able to make out the latter's face. "You okay?"

"I'm good. Chest is good. Head is good. Don't worry about me." The curt response was retuned and Jimin nodded, not even knowing if Taehyung saw it.

"Wait here," Mingyu told them at the bottom of the few steps leading up the the windowless door. He advanced ahead and walked inside without hesitation, disappearing for thirty seconds before returning. "Coast is clear, come on in."

They followed the younger into the low light of the building within, both boys blinking to adjust to the sudden gain of vision. Taehyung pulled his hand away from Jimin's once the door shut behind them and the elder frowned in disappointment.

Taehyung stepped close to his side, however, leaning down to speak in his ear while Mingyu rang the elder in the security camera room.

"Jackson's watching our every move, Park," the younger muttered. "I know you like holding hands but that's weird for him to see."

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