18. lollipop

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"Everyone, this is Suga," Jungkook declared, like a scene from a child's show in which a cheesy introduction was deemed stupidly necessary. "Ex-government-officer from the tunnels and saved our lives— I guess, twice?"

You let out a breath as you saw Jimin's face relax ever so slightly. "We can trust him." You added, hoping that would build upon the relief settling in the room. Jimin's remark of him wearing an officer uniform put everyone, who didn't know, on edge. "Also... this is everyone who knows about our trip down there."

"This is a lot of people." Suga cut in, voice low, but the room heard him nonetheless. His eyes were still unfortunately piercing through Jimin, and Hoseok noticed, clearing his throat.

You had to give the reddish-brown haired brother of Jungkook's a lot of credit. He was smart and put the pieces together fairly quickly as to why Suga must've been upset.

"Jimin's father is the top executive for tunnel interaction operations." Hoseok explained and Suga's eyebrows furrowed, lips parting in surprise. Jimin's head fell as he stared down at his lap, raking a hand through his hair. He'd heard those words more than he could ever want. Everyone knew of his connection to the government; lots of people used him as means to get away with things because of it. That was a part of his huge rift with Taehyung. "He's also trustworthy. He's obviously not going to rat anyone of us out, so stop murdering him with your eyes."

You and Jungkook were startled by Hoseok's harsh ending, as if he was testing the elder and you nervously glanced at Suga, who's eyes sharpened at the man. Hoseok's face was grim as he reached over from where he sat to soothe the younger who was the center of the conversation.

"How ironic." Taehyung grumbled and Jungkook slapped his arm before you could. Your elder brother glared at both of you and then looked at Suga. "Doesn't explain how or why you're here."

"Right," you murmured tiredly. "You were unconscious by then, but he saved us, Taehyung. Wouldn't have been able to get to that access point without him."

"Look," Suga cut in. "I don't fucking care about heroics. I wanted out of that horrid place so that's what I did." He noticed the curious looks approach some face and scowled. "No, I'm not going to answer questions about the tunnels. The less you know, the better."

Jisoo sighed in her spot and stared up at the ceiling. "What are we going to do? The government is sure to find out."

"They already have." Jimin's timid voice sounded and everyone turned to him. You pursed your lips, glancing at Jungkook, as the two of you already knew that. "They know there were civilians, kids included, involved."

"Fuck." You didn't really catch who said it, but it was a mutual reaction across the board.

"How long ago?" Namjoon asked, voice calm, and you envied him for it. "And how much detail do they have?"

You settled your head on Jungkook's shoulder, tiredly. He leaned into the touch and patted your arm to acknowledge you. Eyes and attention were darting around with the bouncing conversation, but you felt cold eyes chilling into your current position and glanced up to see Suga's gaze avert away at the last second.

"Just a few hours and not a lot of details. Definitely not even close to pinpoint exact people." Jimin answered.

Suga nodded, not risking to look at you again. "Makes sense. They don't use cameras and communication is always at a minimum. Too many chances of getting hacked."

"I'm sorry," Jin suddenly exclaimed, voice clearly unapologetic, making you jump and lift your head straight. "But what the fuck do they even do down there? What's so bad about it that makes it such a crime to know about? And like, how are you—" he pointedly spoke to Suga. "—an ex-officer? I can't be the only one curious."

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