34. fried chicken

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"Extra files?" Yoongi murmured as he gazed at the blue folders amongst the map and his own tan one. It took all his will power to not open it, considering that his known history would be within. "Special minor exper— these are Namjoon's?"

Jimin hummed nervously in acknowledgment. "I grabbed the first few my hands landed on, I haven't even looked."

Yoongi pursed his lips and glanced at the silver haired younger resting on the couch. "Tae looks like he's hurting."

"He hasn't healed yet and he pushed himself too much." The younger beside him sighed, brushing the topic off quickly. "That's the right map?"

"Yes, good job." The ex-officer knelt by the coffee table in the sitting room and unrolled the paper, eyes examining the routes for a second time. "They kept this hidden really well, I'm sure your dad was the only one to know above ground."

"Hmm, and SM," Jimin muttered spitefully. "There was another explosion, Yoongi. Smaller than before so we didn't feel it, but it collapsed a park— thankfully no one got hurt this time."

"We need to hurry," the elder grit his teeth. "You need to lead one group, I'll lead the other."

"Why me?" Jimin gaped. "I've never been down there! Jungkook or Y/N should."

"Because you're a secret weapon." Yoongi motioned him down without even glancing. "No one who knows you will hurt you."

"Unless they want to hurt my father, which I'm sure a lot do." Jimin argued, kneeling beside him. The younger looked at the tan file and he froze. "How are you not ripping that file open?"

"They won't hurt your father if they know what's best for them. You can follow a map, I'm sure, so navigating there won't be hard. And that? Well, I'm opening it in private. Now isn't the time, anyways." The elder jerked his head in Taehyung's direction. "Should he even be going down there?"

"You think you'll be able to stop him? He wants to get Namjoon and Jin Hyung out, too," Jimin shook her head. "He's going to go."

"You'll need to be extra careful with him." Yoongi mumbled, eyeing the younger quickly before his gaze shifted to new faces entering the scene.

"Food is here!" Hoseok bright voice laughed, hands holding up plastic bags or takeout. With both stress and anxiety scattered from the events of earlier, everyone wanted to delve into their guilty pleasures of fried chicken.

"Grilled chicken is better," you complained, sitting down beside Jimin and gazing at the important files in front. "And healthier!"

"Grilled chicken made you piss off the crazy Heechul guy." Jungkook scoffed, encasing you from behind to gaze over your shoulder at the flattened map. "Wow, that's pretty cool."

Yoongi's calm faltered at the mention of Heechul, a man who he had come to trust down in the tunnels, and vise versa. Heechul would have likely taken his place as base leader, having been the most fitting after himself.

Having Heechul as the base leader would help their case, hopefully make them more understanding of the plea to stop the destruction.

"How much did you guys drink?" Jimin chuckled. "No one surprisingly looks wasted."

"Drank hardly anything." Hoseok pouted, making Yoongi smile softly and a small hue taint his cheeks. "We had fun though."

"At least some of us did." Jimin sighed and moved to fix the blanket over the sleeping Taehyung. He gently nudged the younger and Taehyung hugged the pillow in his hands tighter, stubbornly objecting the call to wake. "Hey, Taetae, time to get up. You need to eat."

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