14. ramen

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When you stumbled out of the shower, feeling satisfyingly clean after hours in the grimy tunnels, your good arm was sore from the constant use to scrub out your hair and body.

You then noticed the clothes sitting on the sink counter.

They were definitely Jungkook's. You smiled subconsciously as you saw your favorite hoodie of his (that you always stole), fuzzy socks, and a pair of joggers. He was the absolute best.

You slipped on the clothes with quite a struggle, shoving off the plastic that had been covering the wounds from the water. Your wet hair dripped as you couldn't tie it up with one hand. Your wrapped arm was hidden under the hoodie and you laughed as you swished around, the empty sleeve flopping without structure.

You could smell Jungkook in the clothes you wore and felt heat rise to your face. Giddiness filled within as you snuggled your face into the dark material, lovingly.

The expression faltered as your mind filled with the memory of Suga again. You still felt terrible about that. The five of you had made it out, but... he'd sacrificed his life for you.

And then that goddamn kiss on your cheek.

You shook your head and rolled your neck, wincing at the stretch on the sensitive skin.

With most of your weight on your good leg, you limped to the door and stepped out of the bathroom, the contrasting coolness of the rest of the apartment making you shiver despite the warm clothes.

Jungkook was leaning against the wall right by the door and jumped up when you appeared. He gazed up and down at your attire and grinned.

"Thanks for the hoodie," you shoved his shoulder playfully.

He huffed, smile not leaving. "Well, I thought you'd like it considering it's hardly ever in my closet because of you." You just laughed and he held out his arms, letting you carefully fall into them. His voice fell as he held you, pushing back your wet hair so that it didn't drip all over him. "I'm glad you're okay, Y/N."

Leaning away, your smile fell. "You're a hypocrite, you know. Not gonna say anything about your back, huh?"

He pulled you back into a hug and you rested your head on his shoulder, his own head covered by the hood of his hoodie. "Shut up and let me hug you. I feel bad that you were cold that whole time."

Your anger dissipated in less than a second, causing you to smother your face into his shoulder in embarrassment. Jungkook needed to... not. You knew he was changing the conversation, but he made things so difficult sometimes- without even noticing the change of your heart's pattern. He never even realized he acted boyfriendish a lot of the time.

"Namjoon looked at it and I iced it while you were showering, don't worry." He cursed as a strand of your hair stuck to his face and you chuckled lightly. "Do you need help drying your hair, armless idiot?"

Tasing his side and making him squirm, you pulled back and lead him to the bathroom so he could help. He pulled out a hairdryer and plugged it in, making you sit on the counter so he could dry it.

After a few long, breathtaking minutes of you just watching his cute face scrunch up in focus as he aimed the heat at your head, you felt the dreamy whipped smile appear on your lips again. The warmth of the hot air of the dryer felt like a hug of its own and made you feel drowsy and loopy.

"What?" Jungkook laughed at your expression. "Must feel nice to get pampered, you lucky bitch."

"You're the best." You grinned, wiping away the affectionate smile as he finally set the dryer down and turned it off.

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