16. popcorn

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Jisoo wasn't able to get up until twelve, she was so exhausted from the events of the night before. She's waited until the ambulance came, answered all the questions, came up with a bunch of lies that she later relayed to Jimin, and then re-cleaned the mess left behind before finally heading home at a time that was far later than she'd ever experienced. 

Her parents were at the restaurant working since it was Monday, and she wasn't supposed to come in until that evening again.

With not much planned for the day, she took her time getting ready. She saw the slip of paper with Jungkook's number and address still sitting by her phone, along with the bag of treats he had left behind.

"Maybe I should just go drop it off," she murmured. Picking up all three things and heading out of the house, she decided to stop by the restaurant and help anywhere needed for a little bit.

It was pretty busy for lunch time, the servers bustling around to get orders and she caught her friend's attention fairly quickly after stepping inside.


The girl looked up to see her friend set down the order of food for the customers and then dust off her hands and greet her.

"Hey, you're on your toes today." She smiled.

"And you look tired." Rosé nudged her. "When did you get home last night?"

"I was alone for closing so it took a while," she said, a little too quickly. Jisoo greeted other servers that the two passed by as they head to the back.

Rosé just hummed and Jisoo held back her frown. She didn't like hiding things, but she gave Jimin her word. Besides, there would be a lot of implications that included herself and the restaurant.

"I have to head back, but do you want anything?" The younger asked, punching in an order into the restaurant screen.

Jisoo laughed and waved her off. "Rosé, I'll get it myself, don't worry."

The girl just grinned at her knowingly and then noticed the paper and bag in her hands. "What's that for?"

The restaurant owner's daughter pursed her lips and shrugged. "Just for someone. They left it behind and so I just thought I'd drop it off for them."

The younger raised an eyebrow. "Hmm? Why can't they just come get it?"

"They have a lot on their plate, right now," Jisoo sighed, rolling her eyes at Rosé smug expression. The elder suddenly laughed, recalling that Jungkook had been the same person Rosé had complained to her about just a couple days ago. "Oh, it's Mr.Hot Sauce guy, by the way."

Her jaw fell open, cheeks flushing, "Ew, um, I don't even want to know anymore."

Jisoo laughed. "Don't worry. Nothing's happening. He's just busy and I thought I'd drop it off for him."

Rosé snapped her gaze away and her name was suddenly called, making her wave a goodbye to Jisoo and slip away to return to work.

"Jisoo, what brings you in? You don't work for a while."

The said girl turned to acknowledge her mother rounding the corner of the back area she hugged the elder lady warmly and shrugged. "Hey, Mom. Just stopping by for a litte bit. Don't mind me."

"Oh, in that case, help me grab some things from the storage room," her mother chuckled and Jisoo nodded. She set her belongings down in the back room and then followed her mother to the storage place which wasn't far.

"Mrs.Kim! A customer would like to say hello!"

A sever, Jisoo personally didn't know, peeked his head out the main area and her mother smiled back.

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