02. whipped cream

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Jungkook was nearly asleep, head resting on your shoulder as the blanket draped over you both in the cold living room.

You chomped down on the countless cookie in your hand, eyes glued to the screen and the movie playing.

"Y/N," Jungkook's soft, barely there, voice sounded and you turned in surprise.

"Hmm?" You hummed, mouth full. You saw Jungkook lift his head off your shoulder and frown. Quickly swallowing the cookie, you dusted off your hands and nudged him. "What?"

He was looking at you with a pout on his face, his doe eyes wide and sparkly, the expression making him look like an adorable child.

It made your heart beat faster in your chest and you clenched your hidden fist to get ahold of yourself.

"I wish we went to the same university," he sniffed, resting his head back on your shoulder and you smiled softly, fixing the blanket to drape over his properly. "I missed your annoying ass all year."

You chuckled, glad you were able to take control your heart. It was hard sometimes, him not knowing what he did to you, but you weren't about to risk over ten years of friendship over feelings he didn't reciprocate. So, naturally, you grew strong enough to control it and keep your best friend close.

"I miss you at school too, Kookie," you replied, pinching his cheek to annoy him and he winced, slapping your hand away. "God, I would have to put up with you man child, though..." You laughed to yourself, shaking your head in amusement. "You text or call me like everyday with your stupid stories, anyways. Doesn't really feel like we are part, dumbass. You're so much better when you are sleepy, you know. You tell me nice things and don't annoy the shit out of me."

When you didn't get a response, you turned to see Jungkook's eyes closed, lips parted, and his chest slowly rising.

You cooed at the boy, adjusting into a more comfortable position for him and turning back to the screen.

The kitchen light suddenly turned on and you turned to see Taehyung filling himself a glass of water, stalking like a zombie.

"The girls are asleep?" You asked softly, the house quiet enough for you two to hear each other just fine.

"Yeah," Tae murmured, rubbing his eyes and walking over to you. "Kook's staying the night?"

You shrugged your free shoulder. "Hobi is throwing a party so it'd be better for him to stay here."

Taehyung walked around, nodding in agreement, and plopping down tiredly into the couch next to you. "You worked today, right?"

Nodding, you grabbed another cookie, "I had a morning shift because it's the weekend. We went out for food after and came home." You scoffed, a smile on your face. "This idiot's flirting skills are shit, I had to see it first hand."

Taehyung's eyes widened. "He flirted with you?"

Your jaw fell open, immediately shaking your head, cheeks dusted with pink. "No! No, he tried flirting with one of the servers. Honestly, you don't want to know."

The elder nodded, the room falling silent for a little bit, the television's low volume filling the void.

"You doing okay?" Taehyung's caring eyes were looking at you and you smiled back.

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