19. lamb skewers

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"What do I give someone who hasn't eaten anything but tunnel food in years?" Hoseok murmured, scratching his head as he gazed at the contents in the fridge, rummaging through the shelves.

"Hey," the soft, yet fear enticing, voice called out behind him, the corresponding body perched on the barstool under the kitchen counter and turning back and forth absentmindedly on the spinning stool. "I'll literally eat anything you have. I'm not picky."

"Could you be picky for a moment and tell me a specific preference?" Hoseok asked desperately, not looking up from the array of food sitting on the cold shelves.

"Any meat?" The elder mumbled. "Haven't had that in years."

Hoseok grinned and grabbed the container of leftover lamb skewers. His grin widened when he saw the small smile etch onto the officer's face upon seeing it. Setting the pieces of meat on the stove to heat, Hoseok leaned against the counter and gazed over at the man deep in thought, his blonde hair still dirty, clothes ragged.

"Do you want to shower and clean up? I can lend you some clothes." He offered and the man abruptly looked up, head tilting and smile dropping.

Hoseok couldn't help gushing at the soft tint of color that rose to the pale man's face, his eyes darting away and body shifting uncomfortably. It was obvious how misplaced Suga felt above ground and Hoseok's heart warmed at how it brought all his defensive attributes down.

"Why," Suga grumbled in frustration. "are you being nice to me? I didn't do anything for you."

The younger chuckled and shook his head, turning to adjust the meat on the pan and then responding. "It's a favor as a friend. Besides, you saved their lives. Jungkook's my baby brother, it means a lot."

"But then I will owe you."

Hoseok laughed loudly, thinking it was a joke, whipping around to have his laughter fade away at the serious expression on the blonde's face. "Oh, no. I'm just helping out, you don't owe me anything."


"Did you guys not just do nice things for people down there or something?" He joked, plating the meat and frowning again when there was, for a second time, no response. "Seriously?"

"I didn't have any close ties with anyone down there. It's never a good idea to."

That would explain his confusion to Hoseok's helping. The younger was basically a stranger and here he was offering his home to the officer without having owed him anything. Maybe for Jungkook's life, but Hoseok still would've helped either ways.

Hoseok placed the food in front of him, Suga's eyes going wide in awe and making the younger mentally squeal at how soft the man could be. He had seen how Suga had interacted with the girls, too. It showcased the human within his otherwise cold-seeming heart.

"Well, I'll be your first friend who you don't owe anything to." Hoseok grinned. "Sorry for being a little rude earlier; Jimin's just been through a lot."

"Hmm," the elder hummed through a stuffed mouth of food, gulping and nodding. "Assumed as much. This is really good, Hoseok, thanks. And don't worry about it," his gentle lips curved up into a smirk and Hoseok noticed how it fit his intimidating persona well. "I don't mind if people are aggressive."

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