23. fish

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feelings suck and I need someone to be the tae to my jimin like asap (my best friend who's gonna read this, ily im just being a brat)

that platonic soulmate thing is making me so emotional.

thank you for 700 reads🥺🥺💙

buckle in for a LOT of sope ;)


All of you stayed at the apartment together that night. Even Jimin, who was frightened to go home and face his father after the events of the night. Currently, a battle of sleeping arrangements was occurring due to there being three bedrooms and some people who refused to share.

You Kim siblings were fussy as hell.

"I should just go home." Taehyung scowled.

"No," Hoseok sighed. "We are sticking together for now."

"Hobi and I take one room, okay?" Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Y/N, you and Tae take another. Jimin or Suga take the last one and the other can sleep on the couch."

"Can I have the couch?" Yoongi mumbled and you raised an eyebrow at him.

"You want the couch?"

"Well, I'm not complaining," Jimin joked, rocking on his heels. It had been an hour or so and everyone seemed ready to crash. The constant emotional drain was beginning to take a toll physically too. "Maybe you should take the bed for your injuries, though, Yoongi."

"I'm fine, really, I prefer the couch— 'know what, I'm just gonna go now." Yoongi was grumbling incoherent words as he caved in on himself, scuffling away with a grimace on his face and Hoseok chuckled.

"I'll go get him a pillow and blanket, everyone go to sleep and don't stay up."

"Yessir." You yawned on cue and when the reddish brunette left, the smile faltered. The four of you, the four inseparable friends that had been torn apart, remained. "Thanks for listening and staying, Jimin."

The boy nodded numbly, shrugging his shoulders. "Guess it'll be nice to evade my crazy dad's hatred a little longer."

"I'm leaving first," Taehyung cut in, voice low and impossibly angry. "Come sleep soon, Tata. Night."

"Night, Tae," Jungkook called out after him.

"Goodnight, Tae..." Jimin whispered, eyes following the back of the silver haired boy leaving the dining room. A shiver ran up your spine as you met Jungkook's sad gaze, both of you ready to comfort Jimin.

"I'm fine, guys." Jimin chuckled weakly and you looked at him in surprise, not realizing he had caught you and Jungkook worrying over him. "This isn't the first time he's dealing with me."

"You're dealing with him." You corrected in annoyance. "That man child needs to grow up, Jimin. Will you let Jungkook and I actually lock you two in a room together?"

"You're serious about that?" Jimin gaped, but the shocked expression fell into one of discouragement. "Don't tell me if you do because he'll turn that on me. Just don't do it actually. It's better for me to not force it."

don't go underground | jjk ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin